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interlude L2[OFF] Interlude [75X] Country Faction System |Bringing back the good old days!

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It will be a few more weeks. The Faction system has been added to the extender now so thats great. Still lots to do but it is going well. Our main site should be finished in a week or so.


We have started work on our web scripts and automation systems :D Work overall is rolling along very well!


We are taking it to a whole new level. Each country will have its own armor and weapons. Each countries armor will have its countries flag embedded on the armor to proudly show who they are fighting for.


A few people have voiced concerns about custom weapons and armors. Don't worry we are not going to make anything op/imba. The items will have slightly improved stats over SGrade.


We are considering making these armors able to be leveled like our Sgrade weapon, armor, and jewels.


wooooo.... looking forward to play there... :D how about buffer? my advice, add full NPC buffer, and let ppl focus on the economy, because that was the best part of old servers.... TRADING in giran :D


full buffer yes but not 50buff slots...24 should be fine...or even better make it 20 buff slots and then u can get +1,+2,+3,+4,depending on pvps/adena!i mean like a custom system...once u hit 150 pvps u will auto learn the passive buff(divine inspiration) and u can have 20+1 buffs...next one at 300,3rd at 500 and last at 1000...or make it buyable with adena!


PS:this is just a suggestion nothing more!u like?u use it...u dont?no problem :D


Still rolling along lots of work being done. Main site is coming along well as well as the faction system. We are still coming up with more stuff to add, going to be a blast! Still say 2-3 weeks until we have a beta. I also took on a new job as Linux SysAdmin so that slows us down a bit.

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