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i have these files


i give them 5 euro ;p


i got too your files but i dont give them for 5 euros :) so i will share them free agreed? :D


and close this topic i will share them too soon


I got every l2finest pack since i'm the current owner of ORIGINAL l2finest -.-

why should we believe you ?Open a test server & add more proofs and maybe someone buy from you then.

i got too your files but i dont give them for 5 euros :) so i will share them free agreed? :D


and close this topic i will share them too soon


i had www.l2finest.org and craven123 was my gm he remember my bug fixes (also i had for a while Trance (original owner) as a gm and he made some illegal actions like edit pagan temple with much drops and make chars to destroy my server this is why i closed him too... since i had to make a wipe that i didnt wanted...) also known bugs are fixed except one... Just rune castle got a problem when you pray whole server crashes.. i got debugs to check what it causes the error so its a matter of time to correct that too.. i was thinking to revert the files on acis since i got access on source but if i will do it i wont sell them since is prohibited)


i had www.l2finest.org and craven123 was my gm he remember my bug fixes (also i had for a while Trance (original owner) as a gm and he made some illegal actions like edit pagan temple with much drops and make chars to destroy my server this is why i closed him too... since i had to make a wipe that i didnt wanted...) also known bugs are fixed except one... Just rune castle got a problem when you pray whole server crashes.. i got debugs to check what it causes the error so its a matter of time to correct that too.. i was thinking to revert the files on acis since i got access on source but if i will do it i wont sell them since is prohibited)

malzahax files are not same with finest.. Many changes did and many bugs fixed..

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