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[glow=green,2,300]Product Information[/glow]


Our project is one of the first in the development Goddess Of Destruction. We work with the December 19, 2011, huge work on implementation and optimization of the server. Our project is the most progressive in the development of the chronicles Goddess Of Destruction, It is not loud statement about themselves as opposed to other projects, this is reality.

Join us! You will not regret it!



In our product:


- Updated terms of use items

- Updated  Olympiad system

- Updated Heroes system

- Updated spawns in existing locations

- Updated Seven Sing system

- Updated Vitality system

- Updated reputation system

- Updated clan system

- Updated existing quests

- Updated craft system

- Developed and released armors & weapons R-Grade

- Developed and released all new skills

- Developed new mobs

- Developed enchanting new skills

- Developed new crystallization system

- Developed set effects

- Developed new items

- Developed new subclasses system

- Developed 4 profession getting

- Developed the majority of new quests

- Developed elevators system

- Developed commission trade

- Developed new pets and summons

- Developed new transformations

- Developed clan skills

- Developed characters stats

- Developed all new locations ans spawn data


And much more ...


You guys wore too lame on GOD, and starting to develop hi5? on allready developed platform ? l2p ?:D

you are so pro, maybe you can tell me more about SOA in your project or TDD.


Im Russian and on our forum yesterday added new topic about this team (_http://forum.zone-game.info/showthread.php?p=195382#post195382)

Sorry if here not allowed links, but its proof link

If u dont want use google translate, in 2 words: man asked init proj support (in ICQ) to change PayPal -> WebMoney, init proj support agreed, but says that man should send money first, man said "i will send with proof code", initproj support says no only direct transact without proofs.

After transaction  init proj not sendeded money in PayPal


Be very careful with this team!

P.S. Sorry for my English, I'm Rus

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