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Updated Pack Its New Price 20 Euros.


Custom Features:

TvT event

CTF event

DeathMatch Event

Casino Manager Event

Hide and Seek event

(You cannot escape from them when you are registrated in olympiad matches for instance)

Custom commands : .pvp1 .farm1 .pvp2 .farm2 .repair .tvtjoin .tvtleave .tvtinfo .ctfjoin .ctfleave .ctfinfo .dmjoin .dmleave .dminfo

Custom Welcome PM !! (3 kinds--heroic voice,personal message,party voice)

Ip Recorder ( for hackers)

Online Fake View (Residents evil's share . thanks to him)

Custom NPCS full fixed by me (not much hard)

Custom and stable buffer

Custom teleporter

Custom PvP/Pk viewer

Nobless manager

Clan reputation manager

Custom starting lvl

Custom sub class lvl

Custom area spawnlist

Custom Nobless item

Custom Heroic item

Augment skills does not stack!


primeval random spawnlist!



at 30 continuous kills you get hero status.

Custom starting items.

Spawn effect presentation!!

Community board works 100%


Bugs Fixed and PROTECTION :

Ddos Protection

IP recorder

PHX enchant

Olympiad Protection

Event protection


PvP farming protection

Dualbox protection

L2 Walker Protection.

Delay Buff protection


Custom Commands :














































MSN noisy1234@hotmail.com PM ME!


Payment Method Paysafe, Card.


And Mutch More.


What exactly you are selling?


I am seeing only custom commands which are all shared and some custom mods shared too.


im Seling the Pack With This Commands and More. Features.


All of your mods / features are shared on maxcheaters.


i know but i have give hours to make this pack and mutch more man :/ just i seling it for newbies who Want's Pack.


i know but i have give hours to make this pack and mutch more man :/ just i seling it for newbies who Want's Pack.

Blablabla the pack you gave its from l2vitality facking wannabe dev.

if you dont like mine post dont spaming in my topic Idiot.

First of all learn english , of course i dont like your post since that pack isn't yours you have zero knowledge


and also you are not allowed to sell it and i know which pack is that its like a sh1t do not buy it.


First of all learn english , of course i dont like your post since that pack isn't yours you have zero knowledge


i dont seling l2 Vitality pack and stop spaming in my topic.

and also you are not allowed to sell it and i know which pack is that its like a sh1t do not buy it.


im not seling pack of l2 vitality and stop spaming in my topic ok? cry.


What, 20 Euros for some copy/pasting? D:

Not only do you have a lot of stupid commands, 90% of them are U-S-E-L-E-S-S

0 skilled person trying to rip some Greek kids off? q_q


Is it really that hard to even write what it has on it and give a more detailed overview or it's too embarassing to share in public?

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