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[Aion 2.7] New server looking for testers

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hello i recently opened a 2.7 aion server 100x rates free fly in all areas and ingame item mall still updateing the list  of  items


im looking for some ppl interested in testing the server for various reasons like connectivity how stable the server is and overall experience with the rates


all testers will recieve help from me the admin or other gms on my staff with  kinah and or other things needed to test certain aspects of the game


if u are interested


Home: http://eternalhate.no-ip.org/aion/index.php



go to this link and download the ncsoft launcher and download the full Aion 2.7 retail client




then you will need my Bin32 Folder and my Eternal Hate Launcher to connect to the server click the link below to download it and extract it to your aion game directory


ex)C:\Program Files (x86)\NCsoft\Aion





Create an Account here:





and your all set and ready to login.




width=1024 height=576http://wokf.no-ip.org/screenshot/Aion0002.jpg[/img]


Server Location: British Columbia Canada


Server Specs:

Amd Phenom II x6 1090t

8gb 1600 ddr3

2x 750gb sata 3



•Aion client version 2.7

•Characters creation

•Player stats

•Player cube expansion

•Items use works fine (you can us all kind of pots and food etc.)

•Lvl up and exp rates are compatible

•Merchants, Brokers ,Personal Shops are working fine

•Monsters attak and movement is correct

•Flight Teleport

•Normal Teleport

•Player pvp system

•Player duel system

•Trade between players

•Looting system

•Enchant System (manastones,goodstones etc gives corrcet stats)

•Personal warehouses

•Account warehouses

•Legion system (with all new titles and remodeled clothes)

•Items Remodeling

•Weapon Fusion System

•Set Items Bonuses

•Fortress works

•PvP in abyss is possible

•Plyer Sikills (skillbooks all woking correctly)

•Rift system

•Group system (alliance included)

•100% of Campain Quets is Working but 95% is Retail Like

•90% of Normal Quests Woking

•Windstreams Works

•Pet System

•Low lvl instances working almost reatail like work on others is in progress

•Essoterance Instance working fine (quests for it in progress)

•Flight time , correct gliding and fly rings working 

•Cosmetics Tickets working (hair change etc.)

•Motions working (books)

•Emotions working(books)

•100% of normal drops but 80% of Bosses Drops are ratail like (work in progress)

•Custom In-game Item mall

•Exchange System Exchange kinah and Ap for Toll for in-game item mall

•Flight in all area's


I will also create a new launcher after im done making the web page this is just temp to get a few ppl on the server to test how the rates are set and if any adjustments are needed as well as client compatibility and connectivity and basically to find stuff for me to fix :) and im constantly working on the server

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