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Καλησπέρα poulao ena pack



# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Custom Settings - L2Jserver

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


# ===========================================================================

#                WARNING                WARNING

# ===========================================================================

# Those settings can modify the behaviour of your server.

# Your server will NOT be as retail servers.

# Those settings are useful if you own some special server

# or really small server.

# NOTE : "true" to enable "false" to disable.

# ===========================================================================


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Class Settings - By L2jserver Team

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


# Damage Multipliers for Magician characters.

# Default: 1.0

AltPDamageMages = 1.0

AltMDamageMages = 1.0


# Damage Multipliers for Fighter characters.

# Default: 1.0

AltPDamageFighters = 1.0

AltMDamageFighters = 1.0


# Damage Multipliers for pets and summons.

# Default: 1.0

AltPDamagePets = 1.0

AltMDamagePets = 1.0


# Damage Multipliers for NPCs (mobs).

# Default: 1.0

AltPDamageNpc = 1.0

AltMDamageNpc = 1.0


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Class Settings

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Both settings can work together .  The order Balancing

# will be "Class vs. Class" and then "Class Balance" .

# Enable Class Balance System (Class Vs Armor Vs (Mage or Fight)).

# Set the variables in the table class_balance.

# Default: False

EnableClassBalanceSystem = True


# Enable Class Vs Class Balance System.

# Set the variables in the table class_vs_class.

# Default: False

EnableClassVsClassSystem = True




# Balance Dagger Classes                    -


DaggerVsHeavy = 1.00

DaggerVsLight = 1.00

DaggerVsRobe = 1.80



# Balance Archer Classes                    -


ArcherVsHeavy = 1.00

ArcherVsLight = 1.00

ArcherVsRobe = 1.00



# Balance Blunt Classes                    -


BluntVsHeavy = 1.00

BluntVsLight = 1.00

BluntVsRobe = 1.00



# Balance Dual-Weapon Classes                -


DualVsHeavy = 1.00

DualVsLight = 1.00

DualVsRobe = 1.00



# Balance Fist Classes                    -


FistVsHeavy = 1.00

FistVsLight = 1.00

FistVsRobe = 1.00



# Balance Sword Classes                    -


SwordVsHeavy = 1.00

SwordVsLight = 1.00

SwordVsRobe = 1.00



# Balance Pole Classes                    -


PoleVsHeavy = 1.00

PoleVsLight = 1.00

PoleVsRobe = 1.00






#                    Custom Settings By Tange =




# Announce castle lords on enter game. default = false

AnnounceCastleLords = True



#        Custom Start Title          =


# Set this option to true to enable custom titles on new chars.


CharTitle = True

CharAddTitle = L][server


# Set true for custom spawn location.

CustomSpawn = false

SpawnX = 6458

SpawnY = 6455

SpawnZ = 5547



#  Quick Info For Newbies      #


#Enable Quick Info Message For Newbies ?

EnableInfoMessage = False

ServerName = L2Jserver


# Show Welcome PM on start

ShowWelcomePM = False

PMFrom = Server

PMText1 = Welcome to our server

PMText2 = Visit our web http://Your.Web.Adress


# Char on start Pm vote

ShowWelcomePM1 = False

PMFrom1 = Vote

PMText3 = Vote for Server ths


# Enable/Disable progressive enchanting system (experimental).

EnchantStepEnabled = False

# Progressive enchanting mode. Values allowed = static, dynamic

EnchantStepMode = static

# If EnchantStepMode = static:

# Value in percent (%). Reduced from enchant rate on each next enchant.

# Example: +3 safe enchant. EnchantChanceWeapon = 66. EnchantStep = 3

#+4 = 66%, +5 = 63%, +7 = 60%, +8 = 57% etc.

# If EnchantStepMode = dynamic:

# enchant chance is multiplied by (EnchantStep^(item enchant level)-safe enchant)

# for example, if enchant step is 0.95

# +10 = 66*(0.95^(10-4))

# it only starts to make a real difference after +10,

# so it's useful for servers with high max enchant.

EnchantStepStatic = 4

EnchantStepDynamic = 0.95


# Enable aura from champion mobs

# 0 - no aura / 1 - blue aura / 2 - red aura

# Default = 0

ChampionEnableAura = 0


# Welcome Html Config

# Show Welcome Html When a Player Logs In?

ShowWelcomeHtmlOnLogin = True



EnableCaptchaSystem = False


#Anti bot System(kill)

#Default 50

AntiBotKills = 35



#        S.O.E. In PvP Protection          =


#If you set this option to "True" , players can't use SOE when

#they are flagged!

#Default is "False"

SoeInPvpProtection = True


# Turn this off to avoid skill enchanting.

# Default: True

EnableSkillEnchant = True

# When this is enabled it will read the "SkillMaxEnchantLimitLevel" option.

# Default: False

EnableSkillMaxEnchantLimit = False

# When this is over 0, it will cutoff the skill enchant level to it's value.

# When it's 0 it will removed the current skill enchant.

# Default: 30

SkillMaxEnchantLimitLevel = 30


#Npc Id For Pk Guard Protection

GuardId= 36602


# Show online players vcmd

# Default: False

ShowOnlinePlayers = True


# Allow custom starter items?

AllowCustomStarterItems = false


# You must allow custom starter items!

# Usage: id,count;id,count;

CustomStarterItems = 57,1000;


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#  Custom Clan Leader Color Name

#  Credits to: FFs

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Clanleader Color Support

ClanLeaderNameColorEnabled = True


# Default: 00FF00 (green)

ClanLeaderColor = 00FF00


# Min Clan Lvl

# Default = 3

ClanLeaderColorAtClanLevel = 3


# Minimum distance from player / npc to open a new private store shop

# Default: 0

ShopMinRangeFromPlayer = 0

ShopMinRangeFromNpc = 0


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Alternatif soul crystal

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This option will enable a alternatif leveling of soul Crystal

# Default: False

EnableNewLevelingSoul = False


# Enable / Disable / gaining experience. (.expon .expoff )

# Default: False

SpExpCommand = False


















HideAndSeek [event]

Leaderboards [event]

Last Hero [event]

Solo [event]



Full Quest




price 10 Euro source + pack

acepting only Paysafe


pm me or l2jdev@hotmail.gr

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