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[L2J]L2Umet - PvP Server


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Lineage II Umet

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General Information

-1500x Experience , 1500x Skill Points , 2000x Adena , 2x Drop.

-Safe enchant +0 , Max enchant +8.

-Enchant rate with normal enchant scroll 35% , 35% with blessed enchant scroll, 100% with crystall enchant scroll

-Server based on pvp.

-There aren't any custom items.

-New heroes every two weeks, castle sieges every two weeks.

-You haven't to make quests , automatically class changer , custom noblesse NPC.

-Active Staff, you'll find at least one Game Master online daily, willing to help you with any problem you got ingame.

Unique Features

-No Donations

-News players can kill easy old players.

-Three castles availiable for sieges for more action (Aden,Goddard,Rune). The others has been disabled.

-Fully working Fortress/Clan Hall sieges

-Farming system based on the pvp. Different farm areas where you get differents items killing an enemy.

-PVP system quite similar to retail. Class balance is almost complete.

-Fully operational skills.

-Olympiad retail like , without any powered class there.

-Well developed custom events, team vs team , death match

-Powerfull dedicated server, Intel® Core™ i7-980X Hexacore , 24 GB DDR3 RAM. 3x 120 GB SSD.

-No raid boss jewels.

Server Protection

- Anti-Bot System. You can't join with programs like L2Net , L2Walker.

- Anti-Cheat System. You can't join with l2phx , l2haplex .

- DDOS Protection System. High security versus attacks.




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-Clan Manager Added.

-Symbol Maker Adena Fixed.

-PvP/Pk NPC needs only 1 adena now.

-Clicking Nobless In Buffer Heals You As Well Now.

-NPCS's Look Has Been Changed.

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