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Guest Elfocrash

Hi,i want to change Draconic and Dark Crystal robe armors textures in IL with Moirai from Freya.I mean if im not the owner of server.Can i do that?

yeah.download a Moirai i have shared and then get the lines of the armor you wanna replace and add them instead of the draconic-DC


go to file edit go to armorgrp

id's from draconic : 6379 -leather 6380 -gloves,6381 -boots

you will find this lines

where looks like this :

1 6380 0 3 3 2 0 dropitems.drop_MFighter_m011_t89_g_m00 mfighter.mfighter_m011_t89_g icon.armor_t89_g_i00 4294967295 540 19 1 0 9 1 Fighter.MFighter_m011_g 1 mfighter.mfighter_m011_t89_g 1 1 1 Fighter.FFighter_m011_g 1 FFighter.FFighter_m011_t89_g 1 1 1 DarkElf.MDarkElf_m001_g 1 MDarkElf.MDarkElf_m001_t89_g 1 1 1 DarkElf.FDarkElf_m007_g 1 FDarkElf.FDarkElf_m007_t89_g 1 1 1 Dwarf.MDwarf_m004_g 1 MDwarf.MDwarf_m004_t89_g 1 1 1 Dwarf.FDwarf_m004_g 1 FDwarf.FDwarf_m004_t89_g 1 1 1 Elf.MElf_m008_g 1 MElf.MElf_m008_t89_g 1 1 1 Elf.FElf_m009_g 1 FElf.FElf_m009_t89_g 1 1 1 Magic.MMagic_m011_g 1 MMagic.MMagic_m011_t89_g 1 1 1 Magic.FMagic_m011_g 1 FMagic.FMagic_m011_t89_g 1 1 1 Orc.MOrc_m007_g 1 MOrc.MOrc_m007_t89_g 1 1 1 Orc.FOrc_m007_g 1 FOrc.FOrc_m007_t89_g 1 1 1 Shaman.MShaman_m007_g 1 MShaman.MShaman_m007_t89_g 1 1 1 Shaman.FShaman_m007_g 1 FShaman.FShaman_m007_t89_g 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_glove ItemSound.itemequip_armor_glove 1 0 0 5 0 55 0 0



there showing something like

Fighter.FFighter_m011_g 1 FFighter.FFighter_m011_t89_g

the red is the animation of the armor (the name of the animation) the yellow is the texture of the file(the  pathname of the texture)

u just replace them with that of morai and voila :) for any question just post down waiting you


edit : the ffighter means that is only for femalefighter so you must find your character race and do it only for this (or for all but must replace all (that will take a lot time) so do it only for your ) good luck!


Can you give me link for moirai armor, cause in armor i downloaded in armorgrp from moirai  don't have: Fighter.FFighter_m011_g and FFighter.FFighter_m011_t89_g.

There are:

Avengers_Fighter_04.Avengers_MFighter_m014_g and etc.


Can you give me link for moirai armor, cause in armor i downloaded in armorgrp from moirai  don't have: Fighter.FFighter_m011_g and FFighter.FFighter_m011_t89_g.

There are:

Avengers_Fighter_04.Avengers_MFighter_m014_g and etc.


Fighter.ffighter refers to your Fighter file in Animations (containing human fighter animation/armor), while Avengers_Fighter_04 refers to the custom armor models and stuff. You just have to change the Fighter.ffighter_m011_g to Avengers_Fighter_04.Avengers_ffighter_m0(something)_g

Same idea applies for the FFighter.FFighter_m011_t89_g. You should change it to the Avengers_Texture.ffighter_m0(something)_t(something)_g.


If it's like...

Fighter.ffighter_m011_g                                    FFighter.FFighter_m011_t89_g


Change it to...

Avengers_Fighter_04.Avengers_ffighter_m0(something)_g                        Avengers_Texture.ffighter_m0(something)_t(something)_g


Hope you get it...

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