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[Official]Games Suggest Topic


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Hello,since i was looking for some games too play in my computer,i decided to make a thread here in order to make your gaming easier ^^





My review:At the beggining when i saw the gameplay,i thought that it would suck,but believe me this was a fatal mistake.I played about 3-4 hours in a row,this game rocks.


Crysis 2

My review:Damn,i really have no comments to add ,you can choose to play it or not by a simple gameplay video,if you are a lover of HD games,then what are you waiting for?


Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 3

My review:When it finished downloading in steam,i was playing in a row about 5 hours,HD graphics and a good mouse.Then you can pwn anyone with style ^_^


Saints Row:The Third

My review: You like gta ?Then this game is a GTA of the future.Be the boss of the most wanted gang in those years.

Saints Row: The Third - Exclusive Gameplay trailer


More coming soon~

(for links to dl post here or pm)


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Where's BF3 Multi? Im just worried


Where is Skyrim, where is Dead Island where is The Witcher??


Just worried.

I'm gonna post'em later..You can post them since i havent tested them out.
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