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im getting this  problem with sql file :[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '135455' for key 1

[Err] INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('135455', '25286', 'GmShop', 1, 'AttilasVsRome', 1, 'Monster2.anakim', '7.00', '23.00', '70', 'female', 'L2Merchant', 40, '4000', '3000', '40', '43', '30', '21', '35', '10', '6922', '761', '1314', '470', '780', '382', '278', '0', '253', '0', '0', '0', '50', '0', null, '0', 1, '0','3.95','3.09', 'LAST_HIT');

[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully --: Can someone help me?thx.

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Still doesn't work i have again this error :[Err] 1062 - Duplicate entry '135455' for key 1

[Err] INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES(135455, 30081, 'Mia Daks', 1, 'Trader', 1, 'NPC.a_traderB_FHuman', 8.00, 24.50, 70, 'female', 'L2Merchant', 40, 3862, 1493, 11.85, 2.78, 40, 43, 30, 21, 20, 10, 0, 0, 1314, 470, 780, 382, 278, 0, 333, 0, 0, 0, 55, 132, NULL, 0, 1, 0, 'LAST_HIT');

[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully --

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mate did you see my hints?


i told you if you have already the shop just replace the multisell and html file :P

Well i know that process takes a lot of time and i/we appreciate it really..

And i'm glad to hear that you have it in mind as an upgrade.

Keep it up buddy!


i will start now making it i was sleeping because yesterday i slept 4 am :S i needed some sleep :P

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