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What is Acta and what should I know about it?


Unlike other high-powered government meetings – which are often accompanied by protests and brouhaha – Acta, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, has been progressing for two years without much fanfare.


Supporters say the treaty will help create a broad consensus on how to deal with counterfeit goods: the kind of legislation usually aimed at criminals who mass-manufacture and sell pirate DVDs, or flood the market with dangerous fake products such as batteries and electrical equipment. In truth, the treaty also contains suggestions for the control of internet content that some believe could radically alter the nature of copyright law worldwide.


According to information that leaked from a secret meeting in South Korea last week, officials are proposing new ways to deal with intellectual property infringement online, including a global three-strikes law that could effectively override any British laws, regardless of whether or not the controversial Mandelson plan goes through parliament.


In addition, text drafted by the US and Japan suggests that officials are also looking to make a number of other fundamental changes and radically revamp some of the basic tenets of internet law. For starters, they propose partially dropping the idea of "safe harbour" – the concept that a service provider is not responsible for what its customers do with their service.


The idea, also known as the "mere conduit" defence in English law, has been the legal backbone for internet providers, telephone companies and thousands of websites over the years, but a draft of Acta's internet section suggests that the burden should fall more heavily on service providers to police and patrol their systems.


On top of all this, say campaigners, Acta is being thrashed out in total secrecy – leaving everyone guessing at what laws might be on the way. Professor Michael Geist, a prominent legal expert at the University of Ottowa, says this cloak-and-dagger approach is part of a wider set of problems with the treaty.


"A copyright agreement is being treated akin to nuclear secrets, with virtually no transparency but for a few leaks that have emerged," he told CBC. "As a policy-making matter, it's enormously problematic – but then the provisions associated with the treaty are even more problematic."


Acta could even establish a new global body such as the World Bank or World Trade Organisation, which could effectively override national legal structures – possibly making Lord Mandelson's proposals to cut off the internet connections of illegal file sharers moot.


"The US government appears to be pushing for three strikes – despite the fact that it has been categorically rejected by the European parliament," said Gwen Hinze of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, adding that the leaks "confirmed everything that we feared".








STOP A.C.T.A  ->

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You shouldnt post it . (Already posted and disscused for years)

I doubt that someone still dosnt know that ACTA is.

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Of course I do.Tell me what you can do if I'm wrong.


Why you wear that sign if your 100% sure that we cant do nothing about ACTA ?

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Why you wear that sign if your 100% sure that we cant do nothing about ACTA ?


+1....Pointless to use anonymous images if you say that we cant do anything about ACTA...I believe that the power people have is bigger than goverment's power...

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+1....Pointless to use anonymous images if you say that we cant do anything about ACTA...I believe that the power people have is bigger than goverment's power...

It's the power of the united people, something that we are not.

Also, most of the people don't give a damn about the e-world.

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Why you wear that sign if your 100% sure that we cant do nothing about ACTA ?

Oh did you belong to anonymous?Anonymous can make a lot.I believe in anonymous not at you or me..

No offence but there's nothing we can do about it . (In almost whole europe the govs agreed to sign the contract with ACTA)

What it means ? They screwed the internet privacy.


Like a revolution ? Cause if not they wont give a shit about us. (I like your way of thinkin though)

@CryStalin here you say that all govs signed and we can't make a shit.Why are you changing your mind so easy?
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Psomas  explain with arguments! ;)

Just give a look on the maps.



Just few word , Wake up. do NOT obey.

As an other greek said , everyone is siting pathetically and keeps watching. That is complitely wrong , people must act.


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Oh did you belong to anonymous?Anonymous can make a lot.I believe in anonymous not at you or me.. @CryStalin here you say that all govs signed and we can't make a shit.Why are you changing your mind so easy?


Do you see me using a annonymous sign/avatar like you ?

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"February 11th as a global day of protest against ACTA" I like  that and i completely agree with you, we must act but  with a special way, if  we make protest we  must do it one time and we  must know that there is no way back !

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