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Best Free OFF Pack? Or only a few hundred dollars?

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I'm looking for a decent free OFF pack. Doesn't have to be totally bug free or anything just something that works and wont crash every 5 mins.


I'm also willing to buy a pack, I just dont want to spend 1k on  freds. I'm willing to spend a few hundred tho.

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A. Buy Fr3d/dVampire.

B. Buy Kation.

C. Use cracked versions of said above, with potential backdoors and potential bad cracking causing crashing.

D. Learn yourself / Finish COEP to state that matches your requirements..


Should i eliminate D already?

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A -- Why even list A? I said I'm not going to spend that much.

B -- Isn't his the same price? Can you link me to thread?

C -- There are no complete cracks -- All links are dead

D -- I would love to! But as i said all links are megaupload.


thanks anyways

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A -- Why even list A? I said I'm not going to spend that much.

B -- Isn't his the same price? Can you link me to thread?

C -- There are no complete cracks -- All links are dead

D -- I would love to! But as i said all links are megaupload.


thanks anyways

C. This is like trying to say, "Come to my server and blow it up."

D. COEP is on a SVN so link isn't dead. And for learning you don't need links.


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A -- Why even list A? I said I'm not going to spend that much.

B -- Isn't his the same price? Can you link me to thread?

C -- There are no complete cracks -- All links are dead

D -- I would love to! But as i said all links are megaupload.


thanks anyways


A. It's option wether you can afford it or not.

B. l2service.com same price, same features.

C. then google or search or ask, or do something.

D. http://coep.svn.sourceforge.net/



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Also he has a E and F and G options:

E. C4 PTS Leak or some modded version.

F. GF PTS Leak.

G. Smeli C1 x86 Extender Project.


All of them are free also.

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Semli pack, needs works, for features, check the files, no backdoors, or at least i didn't saw any.


I've downloaded interlude pack from here




with 500kb extender, and i've found cracked the IlExt.dll version


this is safe? or smeli's interlude pack is safer?


Can you give me a quick brief about smeli's pack problems? i mean its major feautures that dont work? like 3rd class? or minor?


Thanks in advance.

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Smeli pack, is C1 based, so almost everything is missing, castle sieges, SSQ, and other stuff.


Ok, what about the IlExt.dll version ? is this safe? im using scripts from 500kb dll and then i overwrited only the IlExt.dll with version.


Is any known backdoors to this?


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Many bugs left there, as ThreadPipe crash and other issues, like dupes and other exploits working. So i don't recommend this for a live server, well no FREE pack is good for a live server, it means no updates and no way of fixing the stuff, of course if you make your own extender it will be free, but i bet my ass you don't know anything about it.

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