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GM appearances have been declining, and I'm no exception to this, so perhaps I could even be wrong about that statement and its purely my fault. With less GM appearances, less events, less fun for players. Events are crucial on high rate servers. So, Here are some plans, some old, some new.


Event Ideas:


Find The Bunny- Vicious

A previous Idea, we send random teams (2 players a team) into a training area (Dragon Valley, Enchnated forest, Antharas lair for a final round?) Thier mission is to find the poor bunny who has become lost and misses her poor owners. Each GM will have a Bunny or two that needs recovering. The team who collects the most bunnies win, if its a tie (most probable circumstance if we do multiple bunny hutns at once) Then they will be entered into a final tie breaker round. I dont want levels to be a high factor in this, so depending on who the finalists are determines the final area. Dragon Valley will be 1 of the hunting grounds, so you want to be at lesat lvl 40. We will mak ethe teams so that buffers and fighters and DD's will be balanced as best as possible to give every single team a chance. (Example, party lvl 75 player with a lvl 40, a prophet with a tank, an EE with an archer, SE and mage is a no no...gotta give everyone a chance, mages will probably be paired with tanks, maybe a BD or SWS (low lvled ones of course). Thoughts on this?


Murder Mystery- Vicious

Again, previously mentioned. How ever we're not going to take the standered turn on this, and are going to g ive it a twist. Some of oyu may be familiar with the starcraft "Murder Mystery" maps? (I invented it!)The players (no more then 10-15, possibly 20) are allowed into an area (most likely Aden or Rune castles) and there is a killer amoung them. A the gate, every player will be required to deposit thier armor and weapons. They will be given (or allowed to wear) thier formal wear [this is pending madisons approval] and will be attending a party. Your party host will be killed, and 1 player will become the killer. The player will be chosen as the guests are entering. He will be addressed to hold onto his jewlery and weapon, conceling them of course. thier armor can be kept, however it is recomended you dont for if you are seen in armor, its kind of obvious you are "it". During the "party" the GM's will lay clues around that will reflect a certain type of player to blame. The players must find the clues, and determine what player it is. The "Killer" Is free to kill as he pleases. At least 1 player must survive for 30 minuites. The survivors must take thier clues into consideration, and decide who remaining is the killer. The guards will leave and any survivors will be left at the mercy of the killer. If players dont agree on a killer, a simple vote will be taken and who ever has the most suspicion will be taken away and killed. Remeber, if you are wrong, you still ahve a killer amoung you and he is now free to slaughter you. If The killer manges to kill all the players, the gates will open and he MUST escape before the guards approach the castle at the 30 min mark. OR if he cannot kill them all, if he is still unknown, he can present himself amoung the survivors, and hope he is not found out. After the guards leave with thier "murderer" he can kill freely. For the killer to win the grand prize, he must kill everyone. For the palyers to win, the must succesfully survive, and the grand prize will be devided amoung survivors. (Most likely a very large adena amount, at madisons discretion)

The Killer can make it out with a lesser prize (a share of the survivors loot) if he is found out but still slips by the guards. He is free to escape anytime after the 30 mins ends. But if he dosent show up with the survivors, he will obviously be found out (unless others are missing of course too, or players dont keep track of the dead.) Anyone seen leaving the castle grounds before the guards question will be killed on sight. (The guards will be mortal guards of the town they are in, no instant death, so there is a chance to run.)

Edit: Guards will have the ability to search everyone. If you are found with a weapon, you will be considered guilty.

Edit: If you survivor and msut vote and dont accuse the proper player, you will get no part of the survivors reward.


Note: I Just put alot of time into thinking and writing this out just now. So we're gonna do it. This is more of an RolePlaying event. I want role players here. Thier mission is to obey the rules of this event, not to prance around pretending to be "Sir Francis von wtfever" They paly themselves, but are expected to be mature and follow the rules. Thier job is to "role Play" how this would take palce in real life. Rules are as follows.


No use of shout/normal chat WHATSOEVER! after the murder takes place ANYWHERE except the "main lobby" (where the party took place)

Whispers only! PLEASE do not ruin it with clan/alliance chat for the sake of the event. Only found breaking these rules (as it can ruin teh entire event with 1 slip) will be severely punished to the full extent of my power without having Madison kill me.


When the guards arrive, you are "expected" to be in the main lobby for

questioning (not required however)


When/if you die. You are not permitted to attack. People will be rewarded for turning in people who cheat by talking after death, or those using clan/alliance chat. Your body must lie there (its evidence/scary) for the duration of the event.


If you find evidence and pick it up, you risk being confused for the killer. You have the choice to pick it up, hide it from other palyers. If you are the only one who can prove who the killer is, you will get the entire reward. If you die with that piece of evidence, please inform a GM and they will place the evidence beside your dead body. Remeber, you cannot speak at all after you die. Doing this, or saying "HEY, IpwnedU is the killer!" ruins the entire event, all the planning, and everyones fun. And I will so totally ruin your gaming experiance if you dare to destroy everyone elses.


L2 Trivia Sweepstakes- Vicious

GM's hold a trivia event asking questions from L2. any amount is allwoed to participate. No more then 20 players per GM however. Will hold 3 sessions of trivia sweepstakes at differant times throughout the day. The top 5 from each group will be collected. If this number exceeds 20, a finals round will be held to limit the group to either 15 or 20 players. Reward for this event? A ticket to be invited to the Kings Royal Ball in Rune Castle (So, in none rp terms, you are allowed to participate in the Murder Mystery Event.)


Adventure Quest- Vicious

A new event idea, that needs a better name. 10 players will be invited to participate in this event. They will be arranged and given certain tasks that will nee dto be completed. There will be a given storyline and these players chosen are to be the "Heroes" of the story. They msut unite and resist tempation to defeat a hidden evil in the server. Should they fail, this evil will be unleashed and cause server wide effects (pending approval...) I propose this event to the GM's, server owners, and the players to offer more new twists to the server since everyone is getting high lvls and becoming bored.


PVP Tournament- Vicious

This event will be held on a weekend. There will be seperate tiers for certain classes. The reason for this Tournament is to decide what Heroes will be sent forth to combat the growing evil presennse in the server world. (Simplfied, that means participation in adventure quest)

It will be types of fighters vs. those of equal ability. Mages on Mages, Tanks on Tanks, DD's on DD's, Buffers on Buffers. The top 10 will be selected and brought forth to save the world.


The Item Seeker- Markydude7

Submitted by a player, the idea behind this one is to assign crafting to missions and which ever dwarves fulfill them win. A good idea, as materials can be gathered by all levels. Now, lets add a twist.


Defensive Preperations- Gm's will assign a quota to the guilds of aden to donate to the ... well gm's for the greater good of aden. (For RPG perposes.. I propose we give a non working castle to the GM's to make stories easier... now back on topic.) They must fullfill quota's and tribute to Aden in whole. Which ever guild can do this is the winner. If 2 or more guilds deliver on the same day, they will be considered tied. If 1 guild and produce and deliver thier goods a full day before another guild, they will receive a bonus. The "Goverment" (gm's) will assign harder tasks to the guilds who complete these missions, and still leave the lwoer missions avialable so anyone can jump in. When 1 guild completes all missions (probably liek 5 or so) They will be handsomely rewarded and considered the event victors.


If a guild fails to meet a deadline, thier goods will not be accepted, and they will have to start from the first mission again.

(I Hope you dont mind me taking your idea and turning it into this.)





More event ideas and info for previous ones soon to come...




u could also add some nice old

3vs3 - unbuffed teams of 3 players each , no use of : cp/mp/hp pots and resurects , you take 1 team at bought sides of gate and kill/res them 2 times, the rest players sit at corner and wait for thair turn then countdown 1 minute so they have time to self buff

then take the winning team to the other side and do so till 1 team remains (thats the winner)

last man standing - buffed/unbuffed style of basicly the last player standing (ofcourse its all vs all at once) just wath out for reses and fake deaths

hide and seek - u hide and give some clues till some 1 finds u

korean style pvp a 5vs5 or 3 vs 3 event basicly with 1 vs 1 matches , the winer of the 1 vs gets to fight the next players till he dies and gets replaced by an other team mate



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