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interlude L2-Royal NoCustom WIPING!!!


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http://l2royal.com Will start in 2012.01.21 18:00 +2GTM



–+ Server Rates +–

Exp: 9999x

Sp: 9999x

Adena: 1x

Items: 2x

Spoil: 1x

Drop: 2x


Max: +16 (with blessed) +20 (with crystall) | Safe: +3 | Blessed rate: 85% | Normal rate: 85%


–+ Server Specs +–


* Completed C4 / C5 / C6 and some special skills

* Custom Shops with full c4, c5, Interlude and customized things

* Custom Teleporter with special zones

* Monsters only in farm zones

* 5 subclasses for 1 character

* Auto Class Master

* Community board is disable

* Augmentation system. 100% Augment skill

* Enchant Skills work

* You can have only 1 skill at same time

* Start Level 1. 1 Monster and you level will be 80

* Max buff slots setted to: 99

* Max debuffs: 5

* Autolearn Skills

* Standard respawn delay: 10 seconds

* Custom Start up zone

* Unique Raid Bosses

* Retail Olympiad

* Hero changes every Saturday 22:00

PVP Colors: 100/250/500/750/1000

PK Colors: 50/100/200/500/1000


–+ Custom NPC +–

*Gm shop



*Clan master

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