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[help]website fullscreen


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i have making a website and i got a problem in my screen is ok but when i go to other screen with more resolution in left side is blank.i want to make my websites to fill with all screens.

i have search for fix it but i didn't find smth.any idea how to do that?



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How could we know what's your code? I mean. It should be something with css, but we're unable to help if we don't know the code itself.



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i have the same problem my code is

body {





background-repeat: no-repeat;

margin-left: 0%;

margin-top: 0%;

margin-right: 100%;

margin-bottom: 0%;

background-attachment: fixed;

background-position: center center;

position: static;

height: auto;


its in html but it doesnt work for some reason...

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How could we know what's your code? I mean. It should be something with css, but we're unable to help if we don't know the code itself.







body {







font-family:"Trebuchet MS", "Arial", "Helvetica", "sans-serif";




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To sum up, if you want something to be centered, the most common solution is to make a div of an id ("wrapper" used commonly) at the top level. That means, the div is in the top level of everything. Then in your css:


div#wrapper { width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; }


Beware, the wrapper has to have a specific width in order to be centerized. 960 pixels is the most common value for that, since it's the lowest resolution for modern web browsers and computers.


Hope I helped...

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To sum up, if you want something to be centered, the most common solution is to make a div of an id ("wrapper" used commonly) at the top level. That means, the div is in the top level of everything. Then in your css:


div#wrapper { width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; }


Beware, the wrapper has to have a specific width in order to be centerized. 960 pixels is the most common value for that, since it's the lowest resolution for modern web browsers and computers.


Hope I helped...

or try

margin : auto auto;

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on my website i got :

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;


Yeah but that's different than this:


or try

margin : auto auto;


There are top and bottom margins too. The above statement stands for:


margin-top: auto;
margin-bottom: auto;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;


And what I ment with margin: 0 auto; is only right and left margins set to auto (that makes the centering).


Anyway, margin: auto auto is really different than margin: 0 auto and the second is what we want :)

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Yeah but that's different than this:


There are top and bottom margins too. The above statement stands for:


margin-top: auto;
margin-bottom: auto;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;


And what I ment with margin: 0 auto; is only right and left margins set to auto (that makes the centering).


Anyway, margin: auto auto is really different than margin: 0 auto and the second is what we want :)

i know.

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