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Ahri buffed,Skarner nerf incoming(?)

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or phreak should quit? ;D

yeap he doesnt even rage at all :p


he has a lot of skill but he doesnt even do tons of damage. ;D

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she has great jungle because the others cant afford pinks every 4 mins ;)

yes and her jungle is easy ;p xD i tried her a lot of games(even premades) with some good scores even vs forum members.


imo eve still is viable but this meta makes her UNplayable for many teams.the presence of many warmogs/trinity/RodOfAges with the combination of stacking Gold/sec items  in more than 1 champion results in many oracles late game :D still eve becomes one of my 1st choices :P

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yes and her jungle is easy ;p xD i tried her a lot of games(even premades) with some good scores even vs forum members.


imo eve still is viable but this meta makes her UNplayable for many teams.the presence of many warmogs/trinity/RodOfAges with the combination of stacking Gold/sec items  in more than 1 champion results in many oracles late game :D still eve becomes one of my 1st choices :P

also its good the double jungle with eve. always 3vs1 with the others, op shit. ::)
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Dude there is a statement that first reworked champion will be Jax

Ye maybe Jax need a remake since they will remove dodge from ninja tabi, but there are a lot of champions that they need some work.


Like Ashe, useless passive, she hasn't mobility and many more.

She's one from my favourite AD Carries but they have so many OP champions like Vayne(true damage, bling, speed), Graves( burst damage), Caitlyn(HUGE range) and all these thing make her useless.


Or Miss Fortune's passive.

Some AP's like Veigar. If i think about it about 50 champions need remake....

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