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[WTS] ChaoticGamers Server +Dedicated.


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I'm Selling two servers a x1000 and a x10 fully set up on ubuntu server 10.04  the monthly cost of the server is  60 euros an it  will be transferred to the name of the person taking it over.



CPU: Intel i5 4x 2.66+ GHz

Ram  16GB

HardDisc 2TB

100TB Transfer

Port Speed 1000mbps

DdoS Protection.

24 Hours Monitoring


Information about the gameservers




TvT,TvTRound,TownWar,Football Event, CTF, DM, RaidBoss, Arena PvP,



GK Global

GM Shop

Currency Manager

Donation Shop

Custom Augmenter

Scheme Buffer (Buffer & Pet Buffer)


Nobless Manager




PvPZone: While you're in the zone you're always Flag.

Protection against DualBox in events (It looks into the machine IP, not the WAN IP, so those who play in Cyber Cafes are free to play)

Offline Shops (Open a shop and exit the game, your character will still be logged selling / buying items)

Balanced Olympiads (All your stuff is treated as a +6 itens in the battles)

Certification Skills(without transformation quest.)

Castle Sieges

Fortress Sieges

Territory Wars

Elemental System LvL 7

Balanced Classes for improved gameplay

PvP Title Color System

PvP Reward System (Each kill you make you earn 10 coins)



Hopzone Server Rank: 30


Amount of players: 100 - 150 at 9pm UTC/GMT +1


MoreInfo: Pm Me in the forum Price Doesn't set yet.

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