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[L2J]L2Symban HI5 PVP x1000


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No, thats just your excuses on each post. I will tell you something in a secret ok ? You as an admin of symban should know that when we were a GMs on that thing which you call a server - even dualboxes were rewarded. ZONG you brainless admin.

You dont worths anyones attention, especially mine. We dont need to destroy your server - its already destroyed where only 40 people are playing (as you said 20 vs 20, you can count! Thats great!). Others ? Dual boxes...

You had about 210 people without dualboxes, most of people were playing via internet cafes. Now they left. Everyone.

Keep trying to fix that all what you did wrong

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You had about 210 people without dualboxes, most of people were playing via internet cafes. Now they left. Everyone.


Cristina come on now please don't say such kind of bullsh1ts... did you even belive all what about you say or... ? You don't have access to the database to look who is playing from internet caffe or who is not so don't try to show your "clever opinions" here... You say that many ppls are leave cause of my change and you repeat it 1000 times cause you are so poor to admit that there was also many active clans that was leave the server cause of you... you was ban some players just cause they was say their opinions (or idk maybe you was have some personal problems with them but nvm) i was get every holy day pms in game and in forum about your Actions and they was all call you HITLER... the players that was leave the server cause of your actions was much more than those who was not accept my changes where i was clear the server from OP classes by fixing them... ask you clan members that are play now in our server and see what they will say about the current balance... so the only reason that our server currently have 50-60 players online is because of you and Anna that are so hard trying to disadvertise the server... nevermind soon ppls will understand what kind of person are you i don't need to prove that to no1 there out... only blind peoples could not see and understand what you trying to do now...


But you know very well that our server will grow up every day ... want you that or no... will you keep trying to disadvertise our server or no ... you can't change nothing !!!


PS: I hear that you and Anna are GMs in some other server (i know witch one but i will not say it... there is no reason)... i hope you will not act there as in our server... but in any case i am so sorry about owner of your new server... he don't even can imagine what snakes he have gathered...

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If you call that 4 QQers a whole server then ok... And come on dont act like a fool that were my friends which played via internet cafe, brainless...

Also i will repeat especially for you honey... My clan members doesnt plays on your server ^^

A snakes ? Haha... I remember how you was saying with tears in eyes "ohh, if you will both leave then i will shut down that server - you r making a lot here, in some ways its your server - thanks for your great work girls!". I guess such "great admin and person" doesnt remember already that words, too bad. I cant prove that you said it - i dont even want to, but you alone know about that ;)

We were making a good job and now your are trying to blame us about something - but im sorry you are failing that, keep trying... Maybe someday


Every word which you posted here is a lie, exactly you are lieing yourself with saying that we werent doing anything.

Ohh well... I promised you something right ? I will keep that promise :P


Some people says - dont talk with idiots, they are saying a lot of things which arent even true - while keeping a talk with them you are going to his low level...

So im not going to spam here anymore, as you are doing it - hope you get that your job its... exactly nothing and a server is a fail - we have a lot of reasons to say that... It doesnt matters that we arent a GMs on your server - exactly... Im so happy that i dont need to see such person which lies almost everyone everyday, but anyway it contains with the server - your ideas and other shits which you have done. From the start a new player wants to leave and keep searching for another server.


My advice ? Dont spend more time on that server and just close it... You wont do anything good there just you will lose nerves cause there arent more players than 40 ;)

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If you call that 4 QQers a whole server then ok... And come on dont act like a fool that were my friend which were playing via internet cafe, brainless...

Also i will reapet especially for you honey... My clan members doesnt plays on your server ^^ they are out of clan ;)

A snakes ? Haha... I remember how you was saying with tears in eyes "ohh, if you will both leave then i will shut down that server - you r making a lot here, in some ways its your server - thanks for your great work girls!". I guess such "great admin and person" doesnt remember already that words, too bad. I cant prove that you said it - i dont even want to, but you alone know about that ;)

We were making a good job and now your are trying to blame us about something - but im sorry you are failing that, keep trying... Maybe someday


Every word which you posted here is a lie, exactly you are lieing yourself with saying that we werent doing anything.

Ohh well... I promised you something right ? I will keep that promise :P

...........say whatever you want i'm out off these pointless discusion... Low IQ peoples will remain always low IQ nothing will save them....

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Read that my love ;)

I especially edited it for you

PS. You dont even deserves someones attention in real life. Sorry, but im sure about that.

A yeah... And dont forget that your server became Hi5 cause of me and Empire.

You havent anything to say - cause i said truth and you keep lieing


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it sais nolifer and barman :> ...

Christina, lets leave this topic, cause such morons as he can't be changed.


To other guys-this server is so easy to be hacked... Cause fail! So join if u wanna laugh a bit.



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