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hoho nice :) I saw it before.


IMO singers should be banned at Talent show like "Got Talent". In PL there is PL got talent and x factor and at "Got talent" singer winning ... wtf? im asking for what is x factor if they can go sing in "PL got talent"? That's sucks and all should be ass kicked and go to fcking xfactor sing! for example yesterday in PL got talent singer won ... Pffffffffffffff


hoho nice :) I saw it before.


IMO singers should be banned at Talent show like "Got Talent". In PL there is PL got talent and x factor and at "Got talent" singer winning ... wtf? im asking for what is x factor if they can go sing in "PL got talent"? That's sucks and all should be ass kicked and go to fcking xfactor sing! for example yesterday in PL got talent singer won ... Pffffffffffffff


Sorry mate but being homeless for more than 10 years, working and sleeping on the streets and after having the strenght to sing up into such a competition as a singer takes a lot of balls and definitely is a talent ;)


Welldone to that boy, he deserves a place in there.


Εγω πιστευω πως πρεπει να τον σκοτωσουν επειδη ειναι κινεζος.


Ηταν αλλη μια ηλιθια απαντηση απο τον Pauler

Κανω οτι καλυτερο μπορω.


Εγω πιστευω πως πρεπει να τον σκοτωσουν επειδη ειναι κινεζος.

egw elpizo na skwtosoun esena kai tin oikogeneia sou kai na sas faei o Devon

Sorry mate but being homeless for more than 10 years, working and sleeping on the streets and after having the strenght to sing up into such a competition as a singer takes a lot of balls and definitely is a talent ;)

oK He have talent but he should go to x-factor then. There is only singers so all who sing good have chance there. Anyway

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