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[Help]How to correct setup ipconfig.xml



Hello first of all...


I use a l2j freya pack and i want to test server online...well the problem is that i cant put correct the ip's in ipconfig.xml i searched for some help and i found out how to put the ip's but gameserver still cant connect to login...well correct me if im wrong


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- Externalhost here (Internet IP) or Localhost IP for local test -->

<gameserver address=""  <-- Here i put my wan ip right? xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ipconfig.xsd"> 

<!-- Localhost here -->

<define subnet="" address="" />

<!-- Internalhosts here (LANs IPs) -->

<define subnet="" address="" />  <-- *

<define subnet="" address="" /> <-- *

<define subnet="" address="" /> <-- *



Those was by default there but how can i put my lan ip there? if i edit this one for exaple change to my lan ip but with /16 too at the end i get an error on gameserver...


Can you tell me how exactly i must do it?


Can someone explain me what " /8 /19 /16 " is?


If you cant understand my bad english then i can upload images too if u ask me to ;)



Thank you



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Hello first of all...


I use a l2j freya pack and i want to test server online...well the problem is that i cant put correct the ip's in ipconfig.xml i searched for some help and i found out how to put the ip's but gameserver still cant connect to login...well correct me if im wrong


Can someone explain me what " /8 /19 /16 " is?


If you cant understand my bad english then i can upload images too if u ask me to ;)



Thank you



Well i think you dont open the ports or something like that...cause my ipconfig.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Externalhost here (Internet IP) or Localhost IP for local test -->
<gameserver address="l2eternalheroes.no-ip.biz" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ipconfig.xsd">
<!-- Localhost here -->
<define subnet="" address="" />
<!-- Internalhosts here (LANs IPs) -->
<define subnet="" address="" />
<define subnet="" address="" />
<define subnet="" address="" />


works perfectly!!!

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this is my config.xml


and work fine


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Externalhost here (Internet IP) or Localhost IP for local test -->
<gameserver address="" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ipconfig.xsd">
<!-- Localhost here -->
<define subnet="" address="" />
<!-- Internalhosts here (LANs IPs) -->
<define subnet="" address="" />
<define subnet="" address="" />
<define subnet="" address="" />

  • 0


Can someone explain me what " /8 /19 /16 " is?



Those number means the king of network you want to have, and the number of pc that can will access to the server according to this... For better undertanding of that, you need to have knowlege about networking planning and developer... Or use a online network calculator...


Simply... Enjoy...

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