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Server is running on Freya client.

We are proud to introduce you these new features:

  • achievements.png
    ACHIEVEMENTS (read more)
    All the actions you perform in game - killing monsters, fishing, crafting, participation in the events - will be recorded in your achievements. You can access your achievements by typing ".acs". Over there you can see all the achievements, which are grouped in categories, their level and how much left to achieve the next level. You will be rewarded fame points and other stuff for each level you gain. Later on, you will be able to exchange Fame points for PvP items. Show how experienced you are according to the achievements. There are 4 categories of achievements and 20+ achievements in total, with more than 100 levels.
    Also you will be notified how many monsters you killed & how many are left to kill until you reach next level.
  • event1.png
    24/7 EVENTS (read more)
    Players will enjoy the best quality of Lineage2 in our brand new www.L2Gallo.com Gallo server, where you will find endless action and best PvP experience a Lineage2 server can offer as well as unique events (24/7).
      Each event runs for 25 minutes with a 5 minute break to play in the mini-games!
      Event drops are distributed by damage done.
      Party distribution can be set to Random, Finders keepers or By turn.
      Death camera is activated on death.
      Use “To outpost” button for fast respawn.
      Use “^” chat to write a message to all your team mates.
      You can spoil adena from players.
      • CTF
        Capture The Flag – Capture opponents team flag.
      • NCTF
        Neutral Capture The Flag – Capture neutral flag.
      • TVT
        Team Vs Team – Kill more players than your opponents.
      • KOTH
        King Of The Hill – Hold center of the map for longer period of time than your opponents.



      Each Mini-Game runs for 5 minutes!


      • Zombies
        Infect normal players.
      • Bombers
        Evade bombers.
      • Eliminitation
        Be one of the last players who survived.
      • Flippers
        Flip blocks.



    COMMUNITY BOARD (ALT+B)  (read more)

    Designed in an attractive way, so it will be really useful on your journey through the world of Gallo..


      Over there you will find guides, maps and other server related information.
    • BUFFER
      15 buff slots for magicians & 18 buff slots for fighters/summoners. Presets of buffs for your class. Every subclass has it’s own buff scheme. Self Buffs/Debuffs doesn’t take any buff slots. Your pet is buffed automatically once summoned.
      All the information about items, where to get them, etc..
      Over there you will find which event is currently running, it’s map, time left, time ’till next wave respawn and player tops by kills.
    • CLANS
      Clan management tab, notifications, clan list, clan tops by reputation points, clan members and their status.
    • TOPS
      Tops by: PvP, Pk, Fame, Longest Kill-spree, Duels won, ended kill-sprees, death times, richest, players ressurected, achievements done, items crafted, monsters killed, raids killed, summons killed, fish caught, seeds extracted, treasure box opened.
      Customized auction system. All items are sorted by their last bid date.
      See all your friends’ status. For example, date when friend was last connected.




    Every player has his own house.

    In the house, you can use private warehouse services & change your appearance.


      You can use armor sets up to S84 grade to change your appearance. It doesn’t effect any stats and visible only for you.




    All shops are in the places where they are meant to be (according to the map). But we have implemented a new fun feature where you can see how the armor will look on you.




    To be able to get better equipment players need to collect special items which you can obtain from various events, raids or special zones as well as by "Fishing" around Talking Island. Also you will be able to craft A-grade using our unique crafting system. There is an 8% chance to craft masterwork.




    Fishing is the main way for newbies to farm Water mantras. You will find all the fishing equipment and fishing skills at the NPC called Klufe, which is in grocery store.




    You can turn on/off various settings, like Red Sky on death, death camera, path-find, emotions, account lock to ip.




    You can see other player's achievements and stats by holding shift button and pressing on them.




    Smart Emotions – When you type “:)” or “lol”, etc.. your character will use a social action, which will be seen by other players.




    You will start your trip to your selected location by flying a wyvern.



Starting level – 76. You can get EXP/SP by killing mobs or by killing players during the events. If you don’t have time or don’t feel like killing monsters, you can go to expeditions.


  • expedition.png
read more)
You can level up your characters being offline. You only need to talk with “Ermian” and pay him some of your adenas to get an expedition slot. You can’t enter your account for 1 hour after expedition start, or expedition will be cancelled. It will start, once 3 players will join the expedition. Your character will travel around talking island with expedition guide and other expedition members.



Once you join the world of Gallo you will be rewarded with all equipment you need to start your journey. B grade is free. A grade is obtainable by our user-friendly crafting system. S grade – only hero weapons. At the moment the maximum grade of equipment is A (When the server population will increase, we will implement other towns with higher grades available for purchase).



Max – 10

Weapon –  68%

Armor – 52%

Accessory – 54%



The enchant rate is same as normal, but the item won’t be crystallized if the enchant fails.



Daily sieges. Gludio Castle – Clan who owns the castle will be able to collect tax (adena) when players buy items from shops or auction hall, or pay for the slot in expedition. Southern Fort – Clan members will be able to buy talismans for Knight Epaulettes.



Mana Potions – Can’t be used when you are flagged or during the event when you are in combat stance.

Mana Drugs – Can be used whenever you want.


Once you become level 76 you will auto-learn all the passive skills up to 85lvl.

All Forgotten Skills are auto learned.

Skills won’t require any consumables, like spirit ores or crystals.

Transfer skills.



.offline – to leave shop in game and logoff.

.remain – to see time remaining time on limited items.

.cfg – opens settings menu.

.acs – opens achievements.

.dps – calculates your DPS (Damage per second).

.help – opens info center.

.buff – fast rebuff, very useful for macros.

.buffpet – fast pet rebuff.

/findparty – shout party info.

/myteleports – For fast teleporting (requires myteleport scrolls).

Buff Block toogle skill - protects you from unwanted buffs.


Server website: http://l2gallo.com

See you on our new updated World!



For mods: delete previous post (this one) because posted not by owner.


Top Items are A Grade again?... Server die again..  :'(

the server didnt die because of top intems that are A-grade (alot of ppl were happy with this)... server died only because of Balance and donations... i will definitly give it a try again hope there will be balance

2hour 15min till server opens... i just hope that they balanced classes... lets pray it will not be like last times tyrants imortals runing without healer and making 50killing strike. and pray that nukes from mage will deal damaga not like last time with A-grade weapon +10 hiting b-grade jewels and more than 60% of magic fails...


2hour 15min till server opens... i just hope that they balanced classes... lets pray it will not be like last times tyrants imortals runing without healer and making 50killing strike. and pray that nukes from mage will deal damaga not like last time with A-grade weapon +10 hiting b-grade jewels and more than 60% of magic fails...


Nah, it will be more nicer, and now we have tool to make fixes to skills/stats on run time so it will be fun :0 

See ya in game!


for people who likes to play a clean going and activity related server, go come and play here. RB activities fishing crafting pvp is here. But its not hard its just part of the game features. And items will come upgrade on time depending on server populaton. Buffs are 18 and enchant rate is good. Alot of players trying this 1 out. A new L2 experience here in gallo. If u are looking for 10 mins farm and PVP with uber colored weapons, dont even try to come here this is not a starwars server.


I like this setup



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