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Terribly Shocking - 2 year old hit and left to die


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You know what?Do you think the deep message of this clip is only the timing?Or the people?Or the accident?People have become worse than animals, heartless.They don't care about ANYTHING nor ANYONE.Not even a 2yo child fighting for her last breath doesn't wake up any feelings in them.


But nevermind, you should be ashamed of yourself IMO for posting "old" trying to troll such a topic.

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I just don't understand how did tha driver hit her.He wasn't going fast, the road was big enough but still, he hit her and after that he was going back n' front hitting her 2 times...

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Do you know why noone helped her?


Cause there was a probability that IF someone got her in hospital, he would be accused for the accident.

"Nanjing judge" refers to the infamous 2006 case of a man named Peng Yu who helped a woman to the hospital after she had fallen only to have the old woman accuse him of knocking her down. The Nanjing judge in that case ultimately ruled that common sense dictated that only the person who hit her would take her to the hospital, setting a precedent that continues only further discourages and reinforces many Chinese people's wariness to help others in similar situations.]
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Do you know why noone helped her?


Cause there was a probability that IF someone got her in hospital, he would be accused for the accident.

"Nanjing judge" refers to the infamous 2006 case of a man named Peng Yu who helped a woman to the hospital after she had fallen only to have the old woman accuse him of knocking her down. The Nanjing judge in that case ultimately ruled that common sense dictated that only the person who hit her would take her to the hospital, setting a precedent that continues only further discourages and reinforces many Chinese people's wariness to help others in similar situations.]


But there was a video recording man :/

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omfg! this video makes me really mad, -beep- their law, they are -beep-ing suffering of oligophrenia? there's a persons life in the middle and not a useless object! -beep-ing ugly communists

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They couldn't know.


So what?I hope most of them have a fckin' miserable life for not helping her.Even if they were in dange of being acussed, they would have saved a fckin' 2 years old KID.And not let her die in the middle of the street.

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Bet she was already dead by that retarded driver that passed through her in the first time.Twice


She might have had more chanses to live, though.


Seriously, this video is freaking me out.I can't see her shaking on the floor ready to die and no-one fckin' trying to help her.I just can't believe this video is real, simply can't.

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LoL Mod ragin'.


@Raule's last line epic :D


I'm not ragin' man, it's just unbelievable. I've got a little sister and I can't imagine how's it possible people to act like that over a child's life.It's just...SO WRONG.

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Bet she was already dead by that retarded driver that passed through her in the first time.Twice


no she was and she is alive. but she is brain dead after this

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