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Interlude NPC Buffer & Performance Question



Hello everybody, I'm having a little bit of trouble.


I've been trying to use examples from other NPC buffers which seem to cast 'instantly' sort of.

What I had in mind was to allow the player to create different sets of buffs that they can also pick from later. I've defined two classes inside L2PcInstance:



Each instance of L2PcInstance has an object ZCL_BUFF_TABLE. The object_id of the character is passed to the constructor of this class and then the results are placed into hashtables:


private Hashtable<Integer,Integer> _buff_ids;

So the character has 24 values for 24 buffs.


In the above class, ZCL_BUFF_TABLE, there is another hashtable I've made to store the rows off buffs so a character can have multiple presets.

private Hashtable<Integer, zcl_buff_row> _buff_table;


The problem comes in later at the NPC buffer itself. I normally see that the useMagic() function is called at the Python script, but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to iterate across a java hashtable inside python. So I implemented two functions:


// Method of ZCL_BUFF_TABLE	
public void STApplyBuffRow(QuestState st, int index)
st.getPlayer().setTarget( st.getPlayer() );

// Method of ZCL_BUFF_ROW
public void STapplyBuffs(QuestState st)
L2Skill skill = null;
for ( int b_id : _buff_ids.values() )
	skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo( b_id, 1 );
	st.getPlayer().useMagic(skill, false, false);


I'm passing the QuestState to the functions so I can apply the buffs to player in the Java code and just place the function


In the python code. However, what ends up happening is the player casts the buffs and it takes a long time which really isn't what I'm looking for. When I was looking at other examples, it's almost instant.


AND one last question.

I'm also new to java. I've taken peaks at the L2j server before but now I'm a bit more serious about it. I'm wondering though how in the long run will making additions to the player class affect the performance? For example, is a Hashtable in java an effecient way to store this list or is there perhaps a faster way?

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Ah sorry everybody, I figured it out. The NPC Buffers I was using as an example were using the clan hall buffs and such.

The line



I've switched too:



Though the question still stands on the performance, though it's not an issue right now I'd like to know for the future.

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if you are going to use big map use then fastmap



and i dont know why do you need new classes, for the tables

you can just use a

ArrayList <ArrayList<Integer> >



Well I wanted to have my own interface seperate from the existing code, I'll take a look into that. Thanks!

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