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interlude [L2J]L2CLAW is back!


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Hello boys and girls (^^) , I want to inform you, that in 15th of October, 2011 - 17:00h GMT+2 our server CLAW will be relaunched after long period.


After long break, server will be relaunched with all protections as possible. :)

There won't be any wipe at all, I promise!


So here goes some information about the server:


Web: claw.lt


- Interlude chronicle.

- No corruption.

- Active gms.

- Buffer for 1 hour. No resists and etc.

- GM Shop till b grade with opportunity to get nobless for 2kkk adena

- All raid bosses working.

- Retail olympiad.

- No mammons in town!

- Donate, which won't effect gameplay.

And much more.



Exp/SP: x75

Adena: x200

Item Drop: 50

Spoil: x65

Quest: x25


Soon, I will also launch new server with unique mode: "Castle Wars", which I have created by myself. But that will be later, because mode is still in development.


So if you want a great time, please come at 2011.10.15d 17:00h. GMT+2

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