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[Guide] Soul Crystals


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Τι είναι οι soul crystals?

Οι soul crystal μας δίνουν την δυνατότητα να προσθέσουμε μια special ability(SA) σε ένα όπλο

Ποια είναι τα SA των οπλών και τι κάνουν? 

Λοιπόν πρώτα πρέπει να δούμε τι SA χρειαζόμαστε..Τα sa's είναι τα εξής..



Magic casting speed increases with a fixed percentage.


Enhances P. Atk. while decreasing maximum HP by a certain percent.

Back Blow 

Increases critical attack rate when attacking the enemy from behind.

Bodily Blessing 

Chance to cast Bless the Body magic upon the target when using good magic.

Cheap Shot 

When launching a general attack, MP consumption is reduced.


Increases maximum MP and decreases maximum HP.

Crt. Anger 

Decreases players HP while causing damage to target during critical attack.

Crt. Bleed 

Percent chance that target will bleed during critical attack.

Crt. Damage 

Inflicts extra damage to target when critical attack is launched.

Crt. Drain 

User absorbs HP from target during critical attack.

Crt. Poison 

Percent chance that target will be poisoned during critical attack.

Crt. Slow   

During a critical attack, the effect of Slow is produced at a certain rate of probability. Enhances damage to target during PvP.

Crt. Stun 

Percent chance of stun effect during critical attack.


Increases magic power.


Increases evasion.


Increases critical attack rate.


Increases accuracy.


Increases attack speed.


Increases maximum HP by a certain percent.

HP Drain   

Restore 3% of melee damage inflicted on the enemy to oneself in HP.

HP Regeneration   

Increases HP regeneration rate. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.


Reduces a weapon's weight.

Magic Chaos 

Chance to cast Chaos magic upon the target when using bad magic.

Magic Damage 

When using harmful magic on a target, it delivers additional magic damage with a fixed percentage.

Magic Focus 

Chance to cast Focus magic upon the target when using good magic.

Magic Hold 

Chance to cast Dryad Root magic upon the target when using bad magic.

Magic Paralyze 

When using harmful magic on a target, it will paralyze the target with a fixed percentage.

Magic Poison 

Chance to cast Poison magic upon the target when using bad magic.

Magic Power 

When attacking with magic, the amount of MP used increases with a fixed percentage and magic power also increases.

Magic Regeneration 

Regenerates target's HP when using good magic.

Magic Shield   

Casts Mental Shield magic upon the target with a 50% chance of success when using good magic.

Magic Silence 

When using harmful magic on a target, it will silence the target with a fixed percentage.

Magic Weakness 

Chance to cast Weakness magic upon the target when using bad magic.

Mana Up 

Increases maximum MP by a certain percent.

Mental Shield 

Chance to cast Mental Shield magic upon the target when using good magic.

Miser  Reduces the amount of soulshots consumed.

MP Regeneration   

Increases MP regeneration rate. Also enhances damage to target during PvP.

Quick Recovery 

Reduces re-use delay.

Rsk. Evasion 

Increases Evasion when HP becomes low.

Rsk. Focus 

Increases critical attack rate when HP becomes low.

Rsk. Haste 

Increases Atk. Spd. when HP becomes low.

Towering Blow 

Increases attack range.

Wide Blow 

Broadens angle of attack.



Ωραία τώρα μια λίστα τι abilities μπορεί να έχει το κάθε όπλο

Πρώτα γράφετε το grade του όπλου μετά το όνομα και μετά τα SA's που μπορεί να πάρει



C  Stick of Faith (5)  Mana Up  Magic Hold    Magic Shield

C  Battle Axe (5)  Anger  Rsk.Focus  Haste

C  Big Hammer (5)  Health  Rsk.Focus  Haste

C  Silver Axe (5)  Anger  Rsk.Focus  Haste

C  Skull Graver (5)  Anger  Health  Rsk.Focus

C  Dwarven War Hammer (6)  Anger  Health  Haste

C  Club of Nature (7)  Magic Hold  Magic Mental Shield  Acumen

C  Mace of The Underworld (7)  Mana Up  Magic Silence  Conversion

C  Nirvana Axe (7)  Magic Poison  Magic Power  Magic Weakness

C  Stick of Eternity (7)  Empower  Rsk., Evasion  Bless the Body

C  War Axe (7)  Anger  Health  Haste

C  Ecliptic Axe ( 8)  Conversion  Magic Power  Magic Hold

C  Yaksa Mace ( 8)  Anger  Health  Rsk. Focus

B  Heavy War Axe (9)  Anger  Health  Rsk. Focus

B  Spell Breaker (9)  Acumen  Magic Mental Shield  Magic Hold

B  Art of Battle Axe (10)  Health  Rsk. Focus  Haste

B  Deadman's Glory (10)  Anger  Health  Haste

B  Kaim Vanul's Bones (10)  Mana Up  Magic Silence  Conversion

A  Meteor Shower (11)  Focus  Critical Bleed  Rsk. Haste

A  Spiritual Eye (11)  Mana Up  Magic Poison  Acumen

A  Elysian Axe (12)  Health  Anger  Critical Drain

A  Barakiel's Axe (12)  Health  Haste  Focus

A  Cabrio's Hand (12)  Conversion  Mana Up  Magic Silence

A  Flaming Dragon Skull (12)  Acumen  Magic Power  Magic Silence

S  Arcana Mace (13)  Acumen  MP Regeneration  Mana Up

S  Basalt Battlehammer (13)  HP Drain  Health  HP Regeneration

Two-Handed Blunts

C  Crystal Staff (5)  Rsk. Evasion  Mana Up  Bodily Blessing

C  Heavy Doom Axe (5)  Magic Poison  Magic Weakness  Magic Chaos

C  Heavy Doom Hammer (5)  Magic Regeneration  Mental Shield  Magic Hold

C  Cursed Staff (6)  Magic Hold  Magic Poison  Magic Weakness

C  Inferno Staff (7)  Magic Silence  Acumen  Magic Paralyze

C  Pa'agrian Hammer (7)  Rsk. Evasion  Magic Poison  Magic Weakness

C  Paradia Staff (7)  Magic Regeneration  Mental Shield  Magic Hold

C  Sage's Staff (7)  Magic Hold  Magic Poison  Magic Weakness

C  Pa'agrian Axe (7)  Mana Up  Magic Weakness  Magic Chaos

C  Karik Horn (7)  Critical Drain  Haste  Focus

C  Deadman's Staff ( 8)  Magic Regeneration  Mental Shield  Magic Hold

C  Demon's Staff ( 8)  Magic Poison  Magic Weakness  Magic Chaos

C  Ghoul's Staff ( 8)  Rsk. Evasion  Mana Up  Bodily Blessing

C  Dwarven Hammer ( 8)  Anger  Health  Critical Bleed

B  Sprite's Staff (9)  Magic Regeneration  Mental Shield  Magic Hold

B  Ice Storm Hammer (9)  Focus  Anger  Critical Bleed

B  Staff of Evil Spirit (10)  Magic Focus  Bodily Blessing  Magic Poison

B  Star Buster (10)  Health  Haste  Rsk. Focus

A  Dasparion's Staff (11)  Mana Up  Conversion  Acumen

A  Destroyer Hammer (11)  Health  Haste  Critical Drain

A  Branch of The Mother Tree (12)  Conversion  Magic Damage  Acumen

A  Behemoth's Tuning Fork (12)  Focus  Health  Anger

A  Daimon Crystal (12)  Mana Up  Acumen  Magic Mental Shield

A  Doom Crusher (12)  Health  Anger  Rsk. Haste

S  Imperial Staff (13)  Empower  MP Regeneration  Magic Hold

S  Dragon Hunter Axe (13)  HP Regeneration  Health  HP Drain


C  Crystallized Ice Bow (5)  Guidance  Evasion  Quick Recovery

C  Elemental Bow (5)  Guidance  Miser  Quick Recovery

C  Elven Bow of Nobility (6)  Evasion  Miser  Cheap Shot

C  Akat Long Bow (7)  Guidance  Evasion  Miser

C  Eminence Bow ( 8)  Guidance  Miser  Cheap Shot

B  Dark Elven Long Bow (9)  Evasion  Critical Bleed  Miser

B  Bow of Peril (10)  Guidance  Quick Recovery  Cheap Shot

A  Carnage Bow (11)  Light  Critical Bleed  Mana Up

A  Soul Bow (12)  Cheap Shot  Quick Recovery  Critical Poison

A  Shyeed's Bow (12)  Cheap Shot  Focus  Quick Recovery

S  Draconic Bow (13)  Cheap Shot  Focus  Critical Slow


C  Cursed Dagger (5)  Critical Bleed  Critical Poison  Rsk. Haste

C  Dark Elven Dagger (5)  Focus  Back Blow  Rsk. Haste

C  Soulfire Dirk (6)  Magic Hold  Magic Silence  Mana Up

C  Stiletto (6)  Critical Bleed  Critical Poison  Rsk. Haste

C  Dark Screamer (7)  Evasion  Focus  Critical Bleed

C  Grace Dagger (7)  Evasion  Focus  Back Blow

C  Crystal Dagger ( 8)  Critical Bleed  Critical Poison  Critical Damage

B  Hell Knife (9)  Mental Shield  Magic Weakness  Magic Regeneration

B  Kris (9)  Evasion  Focus  Back Blow

B  Demon's Dagger (10)  Critical Bleed  Critical Poison  Critical Damage

A  Bloody Orchid (11)  Focus  Back Blow  Critical Bleed

A  Soul Separator (12)  Guidance  Critical Damage  Rsk. Haste

A  Naga Storm (12)  Focus  Critical Damage  Back Blow

S  Angel Slayer (13)  Crt. Damage  HP Drain  Haste


C  Chakram (5)  Critical Drain  Critical Poison  Rsk. Haste

C  Fisted Blade (6)  Rsk. Evasion  Rsk. Haste  Haste

C  Knuckle Duster ( 8)  Rsk. Evasion  Rsk. Haste  Haste

C  Great Pata ( 8)  Critical Drain  Critical Poison  Rsk. Haste

B  Arthro Nail (9)  Critical Poison  Rsk. Evasion  Rsk. Haste

B  Bellion Cestus (10)  Critical Drain  Critical Poison  Rsk. Haste

A  Blood Tornado (11)  Haste  Focus  Anger

A  Dragon Grinder (12)  Rsk. Evasion  Guidance  Health

A  Sobekk's Hurricane (12)  Haste  Rsk. Haste  Critical Drain

S  Demon Splinter (13)  Focus  Health  Crt. Stun


C  Body Slasher (5)  Critical Stun  Long Blow  Towering Blow

C  Orcish Glaive (5)  Anger  Critical Stun  Long Blow

C  Scythe (5)  Anger  Critical Stun  Light

C  Bec de Corbin (6)  Critical Stun  Long Blow  Light

C  Poleaxe (7)  Towering Blow  Long Blow  Critical Stun

C  Scorpion (7)  Anger  Critical Stun  Long Blow

C  Widow Maker (7)  Critical Stun  Long Blow  Towering Blow

C  Orcish Poleaxe ( 8)  Critical Stun  Long Blow  Towering Blow

B  Great Axe (9)  Anger  Critical Stun  Light

B  Lance (10)  Anger  Critical Stun  Towering Blow

A  Halberd (11)  Haste  Critical Stun  Towering Blow

A  Tallum Glaive (12)  Guidance  Health  Towering Blow

A  Tiphon's Spear (12)  Critical Stun  Towering Blow  Wild Blow

S  Saint Spear (13)  Health  Guidance  Haste


C  Stormbringer (5)  Critical Anger  Focus  Light

C  Mysterious Sword (5)  Acumen  Magic Power  Magic Weakness

C  Katana (6)  Focus  Critical Damage  Haste

C  Raid Sword (6)  Focus  Critical Drain  Critical Poison

C  Shamshir (6)  Guidance  Back Blow  Rsk. Evasion

C  Spirit Sword (6)  Critical Damage  Critical Poison  Haste

C  Homunkulus's Sword (7)  Acumen  Conversion  Magic Paralyze

C  Sword of Whispering Death (7)  Empower  Magic Power  Magic Silence

C  Caliburs (7)  Guidance  Focus  Critical Damage

C  Sword of Delusion (7)  Focus  Health  Rsk. Haste

C  Sword of Limit (7)  Guidance  Critical Drain  Health

C  Sword of Nightmare (7)  Health  Focus  Light

C  Tsurugi (7)  Focus  Critical Damage  Haste

C  Ecliptic Sword ( 8)  Empower  Magic Power  Magic Silence

C  Samurai Longsword ( 8)  Focus  Critical Damage  Haste

B  Sword of Valhalla (9)  Acumen  Magic Weakness  Magic Regeneration

B  Keshanberk (9)  Guidance  Focus  Back Blow

B  Sword of Damascus (10)  Focus  Critical Damage  Haste

B  Wizard's Tear (10)  Acumen  Magic Power  Conversion

A  Elemental Sword (11)  Magic Power  Magic Paralyze  Empower

A  Tallum Blade (11)  Critical Poison  Haste  Anger

A  Sword of Miracles (12)  Magic Power  Magic Silence  Acumen

A  Dark Legion's Edge (12)  Critical Damage  Health  Rsk. Focus

A  Sirra's Blade (12)  Haste  Health  Critical Poison

A  Themis' Tongue (12)  Mana Up  Magic Mental Shield  Magic Focus

S  Forgotten Blade (13)  Haste  Health  Focus

Two-Handed Swords 

C  Flamberge (5)  Critical Damage  Focus  Light

C  Pa'agrian Sword (7)  Focus  Health  Critical Drain

C  Berserker Blade ( 8)  Focus  Critical Damage  Haste

B  Great Sword (9)  Health  Critical Damage  Focus

B  Guardian Sword (10)  Critical Drain  Health  Critical Bleed

A  Infernal Master (11)  Haste  Critical Damage  Focus

A  Dragon Slayer (12)  Health  Critical Bleed  Critical Drain

A  Sword of Ipos (12)  Focus  Haste  Health

S  Heaven's Divider (13)  Haste  Health  Focus


Και γιατι εχει 3 διαφορετικα το καθένα?Και τι είναι αυτός ο αριθμός από διπλά?

Εδώ ερχόμαστε στο λόγω υπάρξεις του οδηγού αυτού..

Κάθε SA κάθε όπλου χρειάζεται και διαφορετικό κρύσταλλο.

Οι κρύσταλλοι χωρίζονται σε 3 κατηγορίες


Η πρώτη στήλη των SA δείχνουν το αποτέλεσμα με μπλε κρύσταλλο η δεύτερη των πρασίνων και οι τρίτη των μπλε..

Ο αριθμός δείχνει τι lvl πρέπει να είναι ο κρύσταλλος(Πιο αναλυτικά πιο κάτω)


Πως μπορώ να αγοράσω έναν κρύσταλλο?

'Η από τον Grand Magister-sto  Giran Magic Guilt Ή από την magister διπλά στο Aden Magic built..

Περνούμε το quest και επιλέγουμε τον κρύσταλλο που θέλουμε.. Άμα θέλουμε να πάρουμε 2 απλά πετάμε τον έναν κάτω και περνούμε ακόμα έναν άλλον.

Ή από το giran luxury shop με το αναλογώ κόστος

Οκ,τον εχω crystal πως το ανεβάζω

Πρώτα ας δούμε τις προϋποθέσεις για να ανεβάσεις έναν κρύσταλλο

1.Δεν κάνουμε Abort το quest

2.Πρέπει να έχεις μονό έναν κρύσταλλο στο inventory

3.Τo mob πρέπει να έχει κάτω από 50% hp άμα κάνει heal πρέπει να το ξαναχρησιμοποιήσουμε.

4.Για να πάει ένας κρύσταλλος πάνω από lvl10 θέλει raidboss


Η διαδικασία είναι απλή βαράμε το mob όταν πάει κάτω από 50 % hp όταν πέσει θα φανεί άμα πέτυχε η όχι ο κρύσταλλος (τα αποτέλεσμα θα εξηγηθούν αργότερα)

Oρίστε οι λίστα των mob το (A) σημαίνει aggresive το (P) passive



Stage 1-2

Garden of Eva:

Nos (A:40)

Light Worm (A:41)

Blade Stakato (P:41)

Blade Stakato Worker (P:42)

Blade Stakato Warrior (A:43)

Timak Outpost:

Timak Orc (P:40)

Timak Orc Archer (P:41)

Timak Orc Troop Archer (P:41)

Timak Orc Soldier (A:42)

Timak Orc Warrior (P:43)

Timak Orc Troop Warrior (P:43)

Stage 3

Devil's Isle:

Unpleasant Humming (A:46)

Light Bringer (A:46)

Forest of Mirrors:

Forest of Mirrors Ghost (A:46)

Garden of Eva:

Blade Stakato Drone (P:44)

Water Giant (A:45)

Queen Undine Lad (P:46)

Timak Outpost:

Timak Orc Shaman (P:44)

Timak Orc Troop Shaman (P:44)

Timak Orc Overlord (A:45)

Timak Orc Troop Leader (P:45)

Stage 4

Devil's Isle:

Death Flyer (P:47)

Fiend Archer (A:48)

Musveren (P:49)

Forest of Mirrors:

Forest of Mirrors Ghost (A:47-48)

Mirror (P:49)

Garden of Eva:

Eva's Seeker (P:47)

Theeder Piker (A:48)

Garden Guard (P:48)

Theeder Mage (P:49)

Stage 5

Devil's Isle:

Zaken's Guard (A:50)

Zaken's Royal Guard (A:50)

Kaim vanul (P:51)

Pirate Zombie Captain (A:52-60)

Forest of Mirrors:

Harit Lizardman (P:50)

Harit Lizardman Grunt (P:51)

Harit Lizardman Archer (A:52)

Garden of Eva:

Doll Master (A:50)

Garden Guard Leader (A:50)

Stage 6

Devil's Isle:

Doll Blader (P:53)

Sairon's Doll (P:53)

Sairon's Puppet (P:53)

Sairon (A:54)

Vale Master (A:54)

Giant's Cave:

Halingka (P:55)

Yintzu (A:56)

Back to top

Stage 7

Giant's Cave:

Paliote (P:57)

Hamrut (A:58)

Stage 8

Giant's Cave:

Kranrot (A:59)

Devastated Castle:

Doom Servant (A:60)

Stage 9

Devastated Castle:

Doom Guard (P:61-66)

Doom Archer (A:62)

Doom Archer (P:67)

Stage 10

Devastated Castle:

Doom Trooper (P:63)

Doom Warrior (P:64)

Doom Knight (A:65)

Tower of Insolence:

Erin Ediunce (A:66)

Platinum Series (Tribe, Guardian) (A:67-75)

Angel Series (Messenger, Guardian, Archangel, Seal) (A:70-75)

Antharas' Lair (DVC):

Malruk Knight (A:66)

Malruk Beserker (A:67)

Malruk Lord (A:68)

Limal Karinness (A:69)

Pytan Knight (P:68)

Pytan (A:69)

Karik (A:70)

Stage 11-12 (Raid Bosses)

Raid Bosses:

Zaken (60)

Beast Lord Behemoth (70)

Meanas Anor (70)

Roaring Skylancer (70)

Eilhalder Von Hellmann (71)

Antharas Priest Cloe (74)

Krokain Padisha Sobekk (74)

Baium (75)

Anakim (80)

Lilith (80)

Sailren (80)

Tyrannosaurus (80)

Stage 13-16 (Raid Bosses)*


Raid Bosses:

Anakazel (78)

Antharas (79) Gracia Final

Ember (80)

Frintezza (85) Gracia Final

Valakas (85) Gracia Final

Stage 15-16 (Raid Bosses)

Raid Bosses:


Tiat  Gracia Final Boss

Ekimus  Gracia Final Boss


Για να γλειτωσει κόπο κανείς μπορεί ας πούμε να αρχίσει να ανεβάζει τον κρύσταλλο που θέλει να πάει lvl9 από τα lvl 9 τέρατα κατευθείαν και θα ανεβαίνει σιγά σιγά..


Αφού το τέρας πεθάνει θα έχουμε ένα από τα εξής αποτελέσματα:

Nothing happens: Κάτι που ξέχασα να αναφέρω πιο πάνω είναι ότι πρέπει να κανείς εσύ το last hit, αλλιώς περνεις αυτό το μήνυμα(επεισης άμα βγάλατε το quest πάλι αυτό θα βλέπετε)

The soul crystal resonates: Μονό έναν κρύσταλλο δώστε σε φύλο η σε πετ τον άλλον άμα θέλετε 2 η παραπάνω

The soul crystal is refusing to absorb a soul: Το mob είναι μικρότερο lvl από το lvl που πάτε να ανεβάσετε τον κρύσταλλο

The soul crystal was not able to absorb a soul:Όλα έγιναν σωστά απλά ήσασταν άτυχοι

The soul crystal succeeded in absorbing a soul:Ο κρύσταλλος ανέβηκε lvl , πετιέται από το inventory


Έχω τον κρύσταλλο και το όπλο τι άλλο χρειάζομαι?

Adena,Gemstone grade(ανάλογα με το όπλο),τον σωστό blacksmith . Από C μέχρι A grade οποιοσδήποτε blacksmith το κάνει(το όπλο πρέπει να είναι στο inventory). Από εκεί και πάνω blacksmith of mammoon.


Αυτό ήταν το guide μου


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    • This is my first and last topic created on a Lineage Forum, because if there's one thing that causes headaches for a lot of people, it's the critical error, that's why I decided to share it...   I'm creating a server again and before starting configurations I started collecting dozens of customs, without realizing my system folder had 950MB of files, so I started to enter the game, every 1 to 2 hours my client was reaching the maximum limit of virtual memory of the game due to the absurd amount of customs inside the system folder, reaching the maximum limit of 2047MB virtual ram, automatically we get critical, regardless of the error that appears on your screen, "THE WORDS ARE IRRELEVANT, unless it is a critical error before the ram memory limit reaches its limit", if you are seeing "2047 MB", it means that the game's virtual memory has reached its limit, and this memory is not configurable due to the game being created on 32-bit architecture, so I significantly reduced the amount of customs within the system from 950MB to 625MB, so my client started to reach the maximum memory limit every 10 to 12h, a huge progress, but my goal was at least 24h before reaching the virtual memory limit (playing frantically), so I reduced the system's custom files from 625MB to 267MB, the result was a first virtual memory limit critical error appearing after 41h.   My client is H5, the only types of customs I added to the game were focused only on equipment, one of the main causes were these skins and cloaks, they consume a huge amount of MB's within the "system", the problem is not adding customs to the client, the problem is adapting a custom and adding it inside the system folder, the system folder was not created with the intention of storing a huge amount of files.   Adding customs to the system folder means significantly reducing the time your client can remain open before reaching the virtual ram limit and make no mistake, there are hundreds of different critical errors with a small summary of the cause of the error, but if the critical table shows 2047MB of RAM, the problem is only 1. Example: I can see 3, 5, 9 critical error with different messages, but if this table is showing 2047MB ram, the reason was the virtual memory limit, an important detail is that this 2047MB ram is not a "fixed message or information from your computer", this 2047MB only appear when the cause is the virtual ram limit, it means that when you get a critical error with random numbers of ram memory appearing, such as 358MB ram, 715MB ram, it means that the cause of this error has no connection with ram virtual memory.
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