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[move]L2 Violence 45x // 2011 09 21 18.00 //[/move]


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»Server Main Information:



»Server Rates:

Exp 45x, Sp x45x, Adena 45x,

Drop 25x, Spoil 20x, Quest drop 7x,

Quest revard 7x, Party Exp 1,5x.


»Enchant Rates:

Chance: Simple 1,2,3,4 = 100%, 5 = 80%, 6 = 75% . . . 10 = 50% . . . 15 = 50%

Blessed 1,2,3,4 = 100%, 5 = 90%, 6 = 85% . . . 10 = 60% . . . 15 = 60%

(form 5 to 11 enchant rate decreases 5%)

Max: Weapon +15, Armor +15, Jevellery +15

Safe enchant +4.


»About Server:

Monsters in Hot Springs and Monastery of Silence droping Monster Coin,

Nobless letter in Special Shop for Monster Coin and Adena,

If you have questions - contact Administion.

We have forum! Please sign up! We need you!

Forum have questions, dicustions, bugs, clans and Adimistrator messages!

»Server Other Information:



»Server NPC:

Newbie Helper (Buffer),

Newbie Shop (Gm Shop),

Roy the Cat (Profession Trader),

Newbie gatekeeper (CC,TOI GK).



»NPC information:

Newbie Helper information: Buffs time 100 minute

Buffer have Phophet, Shilien Elder, Elven Elder,

Dance, Songs, COW, POW, POF Buffs (no resist!),

Buffs slot: 30 buffs, 10 debuffs

Newbie Shop information: Gm shop Untill B - Grade (lowest price),

Low materials, also materials recipe

Mana Potion (160 MP), Soulshots Untill B - Grade,

Special Mammon, Cursed bones and other details,

Roy the Cat information: Profession is taught,

The first profession price is 65k, second 650k, the third is 6,5kk.

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