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L2Moral grand opening, time has come!Our team is pround to announce that L2moral is ready to launch.L2Moral using a private l2j high five project as we want the best chronicle for you!!


L2moral is based on PvP and only. Find out the magic of this server and join us.!!


Server Rates


Experiance x1000

Skill points x1000

Adena x1000

Drop x1

Spoil x1

Safe +4

Max +16

Enchant 40%

Blessed Enchant 60%

Divine Enchant 100%%

Element Stones 75%

Element Crystals 60%



Server Features



Custom Npc


Full NpcBuffer (scheme buffer)

Full Global Gatekeeper

Full Gmshop ( boss jewels including)

Vote Shop

Donate Shop





TvT & TvT Round Event

Capture the Flag

Last Hero

3 vs 3 Custom event




Auto learn skills

Auto Loot

Noblesse Quest Buyable

Max 5 Sub class Lv. 85

36 Buffs and 12 Dance/Song slots

Buff Dance Song 3 hours

Auto vote reward


Farm Areas


Dragon Valley new H5 mobs

Hellbound Island


Added new Gear


New Armors

New Weapons

New Cloaks

Blessed Boss Jewels



PvP System


You can add PvP status on new armors

You can add PvP status on new weapons


Visit us at www.l2moral.com and http://www.l2moral.com/forum/


L2 Moral Beta Opening at 30/08/2011 at 19:00 gmt +2


L2 Moral Grand Opening at 04/09/2011 at 19:00 gmt +2


another fail server with 5 ppl on

And that is the best server for you? . If you are looking for the perfect server play lineage 2 retail and pay 15$ every month brother .


New armors / weapons and jewels R99 . Check our forum http://www.l2moral.com/forum/






Dont u think ppl will be bored of 1 freakin' month of BETA?

I will join tomorow and tomorow ONLY for BETA...I ain't stayin' 1 month just to get wipe ..and no1 else will..so a BETA of 3 days is just enough.If u have to fix some major bugs fix it before BETA!

oh and i forgot:

L2moral is based on PvP and only.






Dont u think ppl will be bored of 1 freakin' month of BETA?

I will join tomorow and tomorow ONLY for BETA...I ain't stayin' 1 month just to get wipe ..and no1 else will..so a BETA of 3 days is just enough.If u have to fix some major bugs fix it before BETA!

oh and i forgot:only


I think brother you are little confused.

I said the beta  server will open at 30 of august and will open at 4th of September. 4th days beta server just for see our server features. Server is bugless and stable . We don't need to test server because server is complete .


I think brother you are little confused.

I said the beta  server will open at 30 of august and will open at 4th of September. 4th days beta server just for see our server features. Server is bugless and stable . We don't need to test server because server is complete .

ah sry i didn't see the date well.well 4 days of BETA is ok..and since server is finished i wish u gl..and i will join tomorow to see how this server is..btw u sayin' u have lvl 99 items?i think they weren't designed for high five..but for ct3 goddess of destruction..is same thing like adding dyn stuff in Interlude client..its just unbalanced.I hope u tought about that

Guest Elfocrash

Hmm interesting features . Personally i will join for test it. GL !!! 


It is not unbalanced because the new R99 armors are only little better than elegia . We want to create an easy pvp server without you need non stop farm for get item . We have added almost everything in gmshop with adenas and our custom armor is a top grade armor for something better. We believe that every full pvp server need something special and we created something special with cool design . So you can get easily every H5 item and enjoy the game . Visit our forum is better to talk there and stop spamming this topic  :)

P.S. : Don't be surprised with the fact that an R99 armor set and weapons exists to our server . We just added animations and  textures and make them s84 top grade items 


Safe +4

Max +16

Enchant 40%

Blessed Enchant 60%  :o

well yea..i suggested that atributes should be easy to get so that ppl could focus at least on smth other than enchanting.But dunno what admin thinks ppl will do on server, make pvp with items + 0 and no atributed?That is noobish should go play c4 if u like this way...


well yea..i suggested that atributes should be easy to get so that ppl could focus at least on smth other than enchanting.But dunno what admin thinks ppl will do on server, make pvp with items + 0 and no atributed?That is noobish should go play c4 if u like this way...


i agree

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