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EXP: x30 SP: x30 Adena: x20 Spoil: x25 Drop: x20 Epic Jewels: x2



NPC BUFFER PET+Scheme and buffs will last 2 hours

Ingame Commands: .hellbound .changepassword .onlineplayers .expon/expoff .fix .getreward

Voting system lets you vote on website and get prize in game as soon as you voted by typing in command .getreward

Advanced Bot and Auto clicker protection,you simply can not bypass it

Community Board displaying Top PvP PK,Castle Status,Richest players

More function on our community board can be used such us Account repair and latest news information

Globak Gatekeeper will take you where you need to go

AIO NPC David Blane will sell you weapons,armors,soulshots misc items,he can also offer Mammon Functions and Warehouse funcions + You can Add/Remove Aggument and Dyes all with 1 NPC

PC Bang Point Event and TvT Events


General Info


Above you can see only few functions since i did not wanna write more things such us Offline Trade just to make my feature list bigger!

Server is easy to play on and gear up pretty fast,you get TOP No Grade on characters creation and you can also get gifts for voting every 12 hours!


Have Fun see you in game


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