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Im selling the Gens Epilogue Pack, lot of players tested it already.


That pack is designed to work with AdvExt64 files, but it will work without any trouble on every Gracia Final Pack.


What it has working?

It has working all the epilogue content, all the new zones (Den of Evil, Giants Cave 1 and 2,Field of Whisper and Silence,Stakato Nest,Primeval Isle, Crypts of Disgrace, Mithril Mines,Delusion Chamber) with all the new quests and rewards.

All the new skills, the new traps enchants routes, the new critical chances for skills from Epilogue,etc..

All the new epilogue Items and Talisman, like Buff Steal or Cancel, added on the multisell from fortresss,etc..

New instances for Zaken daytime,nighttime and daytime 83+, Delusion Chamber Instances,etc..

All the new zones quests updates.


That build includes:

Scripts Pack x1:

NpcData x1 (including all the news npcs and his drop lists)

SkillEnchant with all the new skill enchants routes from epilogue

SkillData with all the new skills content from npcs, new traps, and skills for players, it also include the new critical chances for skills added on epilogue,etc..

InstanceData with the new instances from zaken,SevenSign etc..

AI.Obj fully modded with all the epilogue content, aswel as new raids chances to level up Sa Crystals.

NpcPos for epilogue.

Superpoint from Freya.

Geodata with the new zones additions.

Htlms with the new Htmls added and fully working.

Client Side System, ready to connect from Epilogue Client using Gracia Final protocol and every resource from Epilogue.


We also include installation's service, payment is given in 2 steps, 50% before installation, and 50% after the installation.


We will also include actualization in the future to every client, and the posibility to include more Freya content into the scripts, and client side.


More info on PMs.

Thanks for your time, and good luck with your new servers.



What happened to sharing it Shakal?


I also didn't know dling an epilogue client and pasting GF engine/proto is a client side system.



Instead of buying this dl the freya script pack and take various areas and paste them in the GF pack, and your done.


You are showing your awesome knowdlege, you have to adapt every single dat file to fit epilogue client/freya client and be able to call all the resources from there and  this my friend, need to spend lot of time and work.


And you are showing even more your knowledge when you afirm that you can just copy and paste scripts from freya into GF good good, please give yourself a hug becasue you are so good.

The steps to merge freya scripts into GF my friend are not so easy, you need to decompile AI from freya, and recompile using Gf funtions, and patching every funtion,vars that are not supported yet into GF enviroment without affect the final product, same for scripts, scripts are not the same, they have not the same fields or structure for effects are not the same.etc..

Btw mr genious you can try to do it by yourself and show me why, if there is scritps fro freya there are not servers running freya files or even epilogue ones (not ruoff leaked hi5).

Leave me to answer you, becasue ppl dont want to spend time and work into it, like I did, and this is the reason becasue my project deserve to spend money in it; becasue has a hard work behind (not like 90% of projects running out there).


p.d. I blame holydays, it leaves so much free time to kids of 7-8 years to come forum from their parents pc and make that funny imageniusatwork posts.


You are showing your awesome knowdlege, you have to adapt every single dat file to fit epilogue client/freya client and be able to call all the resources from there and  this my friend, need to spend lot of time and work.


And you are showing even more your knowledge when you afirm that you can just copy and paste scripts from freya into GF good good, please give yourself a hug becasue you are so good.

The steps to merge freya scripts into GF my friend are not so easy, you need to decompile AI from freya, and recompile using Gf funtions, and patching every funtion,vars that are not supported yet into GF enviroment without affect the final product, same for scripts, scripts are not the same, they have not the same fields or structure for effects are not the same.etc..

Btw mr genious you can try to do it by yourself and show me why, if there is scritps fro freya there are not servers running freya files or even epilogue ones (not ruoff leaked hi5).

Leave me to answer you, becasue ppl dont want to spend time and work into it, like I did, and this is the reason becasue my project deserve to spend money in it; becasue has a hard work behind (not like 90% of projects running out there).


p.d. I blame holydays, it leaves so much free time to kids of 7-8 years to come forum from their parents pc and make that funny imageniusatwork posts.


I have knowdlege.


You don't need to decompile anything, you need to mass replace numbers.


But okay.


you say its not easy ? its actually easy i have a script that can do 90% of the scripts in a few min along with converting the EP client dats to work with gracia final why is that hard ? lmao this is not worth much anyway anyone that runs a OFF server should be able to do this easily


Do it then, im not saying you need to be a genious to do it, but you will spend a good month if you try, not only client side.


Dat files have a good amount of new fields on epilogue, you will need to decompile and adapt them, btw client side is ofc the easier part.

By server side, almost all the effects from skilldata have another structure, 1 more field, dot effects have new diff variations, without take on count the amount of new fields on itemdata,npcdata,instancezone etc which need o be converted, but the true work is inside the ai.


You will need to decompile freya ai, and recompile using gracia final Ai compiler, then check for funtions that are not supported on gracia final, and change them without affect the final Ai,then you will need prolly to start to edit your superpoint to make new mobs paths works as they must, but ey, you are a superhero, you prolly have a complete epilogue or freya pack working at your house becasue is so easy xD.

The fact is that every kiddo running a pre-configured server Off gracia final think that he knows everything about it, but, start to make custom things require lot of effort and time.

Im selling here my work, time is money, i have the files becasue I wasted my time into do it, 99% of ppl have Gracia final becasue they didnt used their time into make a better enviroment for players, so I dont really understand why you waste your time coming here to teach ppl how easy is, proofs, there are not so many OFF server with a true work behind.

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