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interlude [L2J]L2Prime


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Servers Info:


- L2prime (1000x) Server:

- Full Interlude (C6)

- XP: 1000x

- SP: 1000x

- ADENA: 1000x




Servers Features


- Lineage II System: Official Interlude (C6)

- The most real,proper & stable Interlude (not like other servers)


- C5 - C6

- C5-C6 Skills

- Noblesse

- C5-C6 Items

- C5-C6 Areas

- Banking System

- vote

- Custom Weapons=

- Custom Armors= apella soon

- Auto-Learn skills

- 3 sub

-EnchantChanceWeapon = 70%

- EnchantChanceArmor = 70%

- EnchantChanceJewelry = 70%

- EnchantChanceWeaponBlessed = 85

- EnchantChanceArmorBlessed = 85

- EnchantChanceJewelryBlessed = 85

- EnchantMaxWeapon = 16


- EnchantMaxArmor = 12

- EnchantMaxJewelry = 12

- Safe +3



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- Lineage II System: Official Interlude (C6)

- The most real,proper & stable Interlude (not like other servers)


Explain me why is homemade site then? People do not trust these kind of servers

Even servers with domain and nice aspect and promising fail very quick like rebirth ,survived 1 day trololol

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