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[R&C] Versus Signature

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You're just jealous.

me ? jealous ? O - M - G  HAHAHAHAHAHA

I'm tell you only opinion about your works.

You can't make signatures. And dont try more.

You can work on web desing. I see your latest work and is awesome !

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me ? jealous ? O - M - G  HAHAHAHAHAHA

I'm tell you only opinion about your works.

You can't make signatures. And dont try more.

You can work on web desing. I see your latest work and is awesome !


I wasn't being serious, not entirely at least.

Though really, I don't care all that much about your "comment" since it's not justified the least bit :P

You could've added some critique if you were smart which I guess you unfortunately are not. I like it the way it is ^^



[GER] Ja ich weiss :D Naja, ich mags jedenfalls ^^ Und ehrlich gesagt is mir das auch egal weil er sowieso keine Kritik gegeben hat :D [/GER]



Thanks :x



Meh xD Maybe :D

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