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How many PMs maxtor received from the ring?! "I'm agree to be a woman for a day job in exchange for two days on mxc moderator. OK OK MAN YOU'RE IN" Of course about other "super-mod" same story BROOOO.

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How many PMs maxtor received from the ring?! "I'm agree to be a woman for a day job in exchange for two days on mxc moderator. OK OK MAN YOU'RE IN" Of course about other "super-mod" same story BROOOO.


You just gave me a good reason to keep an eye on you.

Next time you'll be dekarmed/banned.

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You just gave me a good reason to keep an eye on you.

Next time you'll be dekarmed/banned.


Spit spit! You're just jealous you have to execute orders, but but about me... I can do whatever I want, I can have -4 karma, what's hard to send 20euro to maxtor for unban?

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Spit spit! You're just jealous you have to execute orders, but but about me... I can do whatever I want, I can have -4 karma, what's hard to send 20euro to maxtor for unban?

lol with 20e i can fuk 3 girls =)))
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maybe u cry about ring cuz many of u wanted his position ? ^_^


It's fact that you guys know only few words "cry/etc." but you use them to think less, lazyass.


Ok I will answer, no I won't .. from what I've seen everyone grind on him (if you're able to understand).. so I'm not jealous.

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LoL idiot! u dont need to pay for porn site! There is a lot for free ... idiot -.-'





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