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[BUILD] Best build for Kayle!


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wow, you tghought that build alone

or any high elo player hellped you?

alone ofcourse! im playing like this and i always have one of the best kayles score's in all game :P
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Sry, but your build sux totally ://

try this one

Ionian boots

hextech gunblade

guinshoos gunblade

madreds bloodrazor

trinity force

bansheesh/gua :/!

lol i dont change my build sorry! you think that sux but i have done pentakill xD  also is better because of faster attack! so you  can use kayle as assassin too! my best score was 47/12/18
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lol i dont change my build sorry! you think that sux but i have done pentakill xD  also is better because of faster attack! so you  can use kayle as assassin too! my best score was 47/12/18


ye against bots maybe

on high elo almost ten is like a looot of kills

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lol i dont change my build sorry! you think that sux but i have done pentakill xD  also is better because of faster attack! so you  can use kayle as assassin too! my best score was 47/12/18

you know of course why this build sux,right?

0 survivability no spellvamp/ls/armor/m resist/banshessh/hp

and why you buy deathcap when you play hybrid/ad roflen !

i bet your score is with bots on normal or in ranked under 800 elo! -.-

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you know of course why this build sux,right?

0 survivability no spellvamp/ls/armor/m resist/banshessh/hp

and why you buy deathcap when you play hybrid/ad roflen !

i bet your score is with bots on normal or in ranked under 800 elo! -.-

first of all you have heal that's increase your speed for 3 seconds! then you cast your ulty on you! also when you play kayle you never go one vs one! kayle is for team fight! if you wanna be a good kayle you have to play defensive . its really simple and you all have to know that kayle is OP even it dont looks like!
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first of all you have heal that's increase your speed for 3 seconds! then you cast your ulty on you! also when you play kayle you never go one vs one! kayle is for team fight! if you wanna be a good kayle you have to play defensive . its really simple and you all have to know that kayle is OP even it dont looks like!

ulti isnt survivability,after ulti done you will be instakill with your build so FAIL!

in teamfights kayle gets focused like all supporters/carry

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ulti isnt survivability,after ulti done you will be instakill with your build so FAIL!

in teamfights kayle gets focused like all supporters/carry

pff! my build is just a suggestion! if you dont want to build it like this just dont care! this is the best for me anyway! my experiece on lol is good because im playinh since it opened! since the first minutes!

i dont play all the day but i have big experience in strategy games!

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pff! my build is just a suggestion! if you dont want to build it like this just dont care! this is the best for me anyway! my experiece on lol is good because im playinh since it opened! since the first minutes!

i dont play all the day but i have big experience in strategy games!

man i am not someone unexperienced with elo over 1350 and over 3k matches loses/wins/ranked games :)!

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man i am not someone unexperienced with elo over 1350 and over 3k matches loses/wins/ranked games :)!

i never said that you are unexpierienced! i just said this build is just a suggestion, if you dont like it just dont use it! dont do bad comments! " this sux, this sux and this sux" if you dont like just dont comment!
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