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Red buff going a little Grey

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Imo Nocturne now can't gank that good.

Nunu's jungle will be buffed , cause he already has a deadly slow + Blood Boil + Grey buff = ??? Speed.

Shaco now is useless as fak , gtfo.

Jarvan's jungle imo , is going to be buffed cause he can now chase or cataclysm easier.



Overall i guess it's a situational change. Btw if camps respawn faster , that means  that 2 of your team will be able to have blue buff and the other 2 the new red buff oO ?


Nocturne ganks better now. Easier to land fear.

Slight nerf for Nunu. Less auto-attack damage. He is very fast anyway.

Shaco y..

Nerf for Jarvan. His skills' range is fine for catching up.

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Nocturne ganks better now. Easier to land fear.

Slight nerf for Nunu. Less auto-attack damage. He is very fast anyway.

Shaco y..

Nerf for Jarvan. His skills' range is fine for catching up.

Nocturne now cant slow you in order to do efficiently his E.

Yeah , i should have said ganking ability.( Nunu)

Flash exists and as i can remember his base speed sux.

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