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Lineage 2 Hero

Lineage II Freya:The 2nd Throne



EXP x30 SP x30 Aden x25 Quest x8 Epic Jewels x1 Spoil x15



Auto Vote Event with Coins as Prize

Team vs Team

PcBang Points

Mouse Coin Event

Trick or Transmutation

All Events will have Coins as Prize and you will be able to trade them in Shop for some items



Sel Mahum Training Grounds

All Gracia Seeds

Chamber of Delusion

Hellbound Level 11 from start so players can go and do all quests and farm what they want


Pavel Ruins

Plains Of Lizardman

Den of Evil

Overall all location you will need to get S80/S84 are ready and working




Antharas Valakas Frintezza will drop new items according to Freya such as TOP S84 armors and weapons


:::Other information:::


Server will have NPC Buffer and GM SHOP up to A grade

Some passive events such us coin drops etc!

Champion mobs

Olly retail like

Modified Kamael class for servers with NPC buffer!


More Information coming soon stay tuned!

By Monday Open Beta Test will be ready!





OPENING ON 31.07.2011

You can Create Account NOW



Forum is now added you can now build your own server by posting suggestion on L2Hero forum and test things before server goes live!


Do not stand on the side,join L2Hero community and lets build server we can all play on :)


There is at the moment

You have to type in Code when u login

After that you can randomly be asked to enter it again depending on activities in game

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