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        ======L2 extreme-pvp ======





|Custom Teleporter|

|Custom areas|

|Custom Npc|

|Custom Buffer|(soon will be changed)

|Pvp/Farm area|

|Safe Farm area|


|Echanting Rates|

|Safe +10|

|Max +20|

|Echant rate 90%|


|Custom Items|

|Tatoo custom stats| (Balanced)

|Nobless coin|

|Hero coin|

|Armors retail like (Ic,drag,majestic,dc.....etc)


|Ingame Info|

|Sieges Retail like|

|Olympiad 18:00 - 00:00 |

|Smart Geodata|

|max : 4 subs|

|ls active rate :100%| (dont comment pls )

|balanced stats(all classes)(gmt +1)




Okay okay i wont commend about 100% ls rate.But there are many few things that are so bad.For example your site,it lags like hell,also your server is home-hosted on the pc of your daddy(sorry for been so mad) and the staff(into that and you) are unxperienced and full of guys 13-14 years old.


Okay okay i wont commend about 100% ls rate.But there are many few things that are so bad.For example your site,it lags like hell,also your server is home-hosted on the pc of your daddy(sorry for been so mad) and the staff(into that and you) are unxperienced and full of guys 13-14 years old.


server is going to a hosted server first

second i dont expreniece lag o.O

third yeah website experience problems on google chrome (dont reall know why)

and staff are just admin is adult

and gm is 17++


so ur words arent based on something



server is going to a hosted server first

second i dont expreniece lag o.O

third yeah website experience problems on google chrome (dont reall know why)

and staff are just admin is adult

and gm is 17++


so ur words arent based on something


You dont even know to speak english.

You're just words..blablaa i'll host my server,i'll do this and this! Lies!

You wont never ever host your server and everybody know it very good..if you host it give us proof by photos of the machine.

Server got lag..my friend just logged the afternoon and told me that lags badly with a pretty low amount of people.

So your site got problem?You will still keep it like that?Yes you will! But it isnt the true..you must buy a domain (.com) with 10 euros and then find a good template.

If they was 17+ they wont act as they did.Again you're saying lies to be more attractive to people.But people understand aint idiots !


man first ur a flamer


and that all you said about they will be fixed just listen to me :)

and why do you say that i dont know english :S?

some grammar mistakes is cause i type fast without thinking 2 much

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