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I knew by the time i will join a normal game i would get greek/spanish/french people.w/e 35 mins game and solo laner (alistar) 92 creeps <3

thats one of the reasons that nobody wants to stay nordic.btw,the worst thing is,that they are premades and speaking greek in our team chat.if i was not

greek i would hate it.-.-




yes they are good

ex. NsmnCcC top20 3v3

fullmetalalchem (maybe top lee sin/karma player in the world)


and others bored to write


he is talking in general. for example: greeks SUX in all the video games! thats true we are talking about 1-2-3 ppl but of the most of them like: 98% of the greeks have low brain activity


no there are not that bad gamers cmon..

its just that very few greeks play lol

thatsthere is not a top team atm


see germans

germans has the most players in league of legends

and they only got 2 good teams , gamed!de ,  and (one other dont really rememmber the name now)



but none say anythink about em, they are really bad.. There are some good greek lol players you just have to search for em XD


have u ever played counter strike source or 1.6 in proffesional way? or other games supported at DreamHack and ESWC? greek at the very bottom list. If u say that u are greek they will laught and say get the fck out greektard :D


i have only play lol. XD


you are too young to see the truth :) believe me if u ever be in the TOP elo list and a good team ask you to join EVER and i mean EVER dont say you are greek. just say you leave at greek and u are german


you are too young to see the truth :) believe me if u ever be in the TOP elo list and a good team ask you to join EVER and i mean EVER dont say you are greek. just say you leave at greek and u are german


lol when i am in hurry i write fail things


live at greece*


no there are not that bad gamers cmon..

its just that very few greeks play lol

thatsthere is not a top team atm


see germans

germans has the most players in league of legends

and they only got 2 good teams , gamed!de ,  and (one other dont really rememmber the name now)



but none say anythink about em, they are really bad.. There are some good greek lol players you just have to search for em XD


greeks lol gamers are around 35.000


thats not few for a 10.000.000 country.


lol hahaha that was funny xP

naah, dont say that! Some of my real life freinds are in very good teams, they are at 1700s , there are at top300 teams (in lol)

if you are really good player , they will accept, only tards look for nationality




how old are you ?


19 and i have been playing for proffesional europian teams when i was still cs player


they are few in comparison with others countries players

and they are not 35k!! i only know that less than 25k were playing DOTA


dota<league of legends at this time.


in greece someone that trains in a game is called non physical kid.




19 and i have been playing for proffesional europian teams when i was still cs player



you were blowing team captains,or? <3

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