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because gladi hit you for 2k and you didnt bluff one necro 4 times in a row, server is unbalanced? find better excuses next time because seems that you are big noob in this game or x10000 l2 player.I dont play in this server because i dont like customs but i cant let my self to dont reply in your stupid post lol,learn this game pls and you need for sure more experience in this to can have a serious excuse about balance in one server


So, you think is it normal? When I try all the time use bluff and never it come? Yeah :) join server at Dagger or smth like this and try it yourself ;)


anyway server had 'normal' status for 2 maybe 3 days, now it's all the time 'light', online went down like hell, and yes farm till death. I don't belive encht rate is 66%. Server is not worth your time really.

You are just a random scrub server-switching every 3 days w/o clan. You dont offer this server any competition u are just a random. Server is great, mass pvps, raidsbosses, clan wars, single pvps..

n1 kid h@h@h@ and don't bump dead servers, 

u r nothing here,  even polish kids left ur 'best' server.

DEAD SERVER? Lmao, u are just a random guy, Server is more active than ever,

CV, which is a clan, got like 10 parties in last Aden siege, there were like 300 people mass pvping in Aden siege, Giran and Rune siege was almost the same too, server has pvp, alot of clans, good pvp, active GMs. You are just a clanless guy jumping from server to server with the hope of being something g00d one day. Polish guys didnt left the server they just had 7-8 parties in last Aden siege which was yesterday! You fail! GG and hf on your random servers, random guy.

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