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[Discussion]Xin vs Warwick vs Katarina

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no champ is op...


but ww and xin cant be too competitive w/o runes!


ww = OP late game

xin = average late game

kat = depends... Can be OP or totally useless.

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I'll recommand you to play ww...you can jungle very easy on 3 vs 3 map and become very strong even if you don't make kills.

katarina is good only is she is feeded...if no she is totally useless...

xin has a very nice combo but my recommand is still ww

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they nerfed katarina too much.




I've been playing since the summer of 2010 and she's only received some good buffs but no special nerfs.


These are the only changes she's had...


1. Ulti hits 3 targets at all ranks from 1/2/3 targets at rank 1, 2 and 3 respectively. (huge early game buff)

2. Q cooldown reduced and damage increased. (buff)

3. Shunpo no longer works if you're rooted. This change change was applied to every champion with similar skills like Pantheon's stun. nerf)

4. W+Q combo's healing reduction debuff duration reduced to 5 seconds. (nerf, but still enough to do the job...)

5. Q now has an AP ratio. (buff. Though it was the end for AD Katarina ^^)

6. Shunpo no longer works on wards. (nerf, but it's been said that it will be changed again.)

7. Icon changed. (buff. Looks sexier :D)


I actually remember all changes cause she used to be my main ;o

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I've been playing since the summer of 2010 and she's only received some good buffs but no special nerfs.


These are the only changes she's had...


1. Ulti hits 3 targets at all ranks from 1/2/3 targets at rank 1, 2 and 3 respectively. (huge early game buff)

2. Q cooldown reduced and damage increased. (buff)

3. Shunpo no longer works if you're rooted. This change change was applied to every champion with similar skills like Pantheon's stun. nerf)

4. W+Q combo's healing reduction debuff duration reduced to 5 seconds. (nerf, but still enough to do the job...)

5. Q now has an AP ratio. (buff. Though it was the end for AD Katarina ^^)

6. Shunpo no longer works on wards. (nerf, but it's been said that it will be changed again.)

7. Icon changed. (buff. Looks sexier :D)


I actually remember all changes cause she used to be my main ;o


Worthy to play here uh' ?

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Well if you're lvl 11 you can own with her very easily. But it will be much harder at lvl 30.

So i will buy her for now , and thne just change my main ..


Katarina will help me for now ? Until when ? ^ _ ^

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So i will buy her for now , and thne just change my main ..


Katarina will help me for now ? Until when ? ^ _ ^


There are still some noobs that fail against Katarina even at lvl 30.


However, even if she's usually a bad choice she can work wonders with certain teams. If the enemy team has less than  2 stuns or many unreliable stuns like Jax, Irelia and TF. Also, it's awesome when you have Morgana and an aoe disabler like Amumu or Galio in your team :)

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