Loipon to thema einai to ekseis exw Server Gracia Epilogue kai eimai ok :P......
Tora to thema einai pos thelo na kano ena Freya Server UP kai kolao sto thema tou ipconfig.xml Files kai sto server.properties,loginserver.properties............
Thelo apla na mou pite pou vazoume tin no-ip sta 3 pio pano Files giati den einai idia me ton alo server pou exw opos proanafera :P......
Hi, as the title says I am looking for l2off developer to help me preparing advext64 H5 files.
We can discuss what I need on discord and set final price for everything.
Please contact me on discord : xdark0
Loipon to thema einai to ekseis exw Server Gracia Epilogue kai eimai ok :P......
Tora to thema einai pos thelo na kano ena Freya Server UP kai kolao sto thema tou ipconfig.xml Files kai sto server.properties,loginserver.properties............
Thelo apla na mou pite pou vazoume tin no-ip sta 3 pio pano Files giati den einai idia me ton alo server pou exw opos proanafera :P......
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