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-- L2 Phoenix --

L2Phoenix is having an all time fresh start, and we want you to be part of it.


The old known server has died, but the legend will carry on.

There has been a change in administration, which means the server will be turned upside down.

Some of our NEW features:

Fresh start, to give everybody the oportunity to start the competition from scratch.

New improved rates, to accelerate gameplay and avoid the nonsense grind.

Boosted rates for 3rd class & Noblesse quests.

Auto TvT system.

Anti-Bot system.

Demonic Sword fully working.

Custom PvP zones.

Advanced Offline feature working 100% without glitches.

2 weeks Olympiad period, with antifeed system.

Best Interlude Files availabe


And as usual, the classic and unique Phoenix's stacking sub system which allows you to add a subclass of your same race to your main and your three retails.



Join the forums and participate in the polls, post your own suggestions or learn some more.

The old times are now gone. This is a new Era for Phoenix. Are you gonna miss it?


Beta period starts Saturday: 02.07.2011 !!


--- L2Phoenix.com --- forum.l2phoenix.com ---


3k players would be nice.


It really depends on how many people want to play on a custom stacking sub server.


L2phoenix will allow subclass on main and all retails. It aims to fund itself through donations. there are no exclusive donation only items. meaning if you grind enough you can get the custom items entirely on your own. all custom item stats mirror those of existing S grade stuff, it's mostly just for your own enjoyment, looks and bragging rights, there is no pvp advantage or disadvantage.


lol i didnt found on first post info about rates of server



Are you kiddin me ?

For sure you dont even know this server.

For sure ppl will come back,cuz they love the old L2Phoenix :)

I cant w8 :)


PS:L2Phoenix on c4? = Among with DN the best sub-stack servers.



*Autolearn skill

*Substack main and all 3 retails

**with non-stacking weapon and armor masteries

**supports retail canceling (will cancel substack associated with retail slot)

*Vote reward system

**implementation pending

**rewards pending


*Custom potions

*Offline shops

*Spirit release system

**slay 5 players in PVP to activate skill to regen some hp/mp/cp

*Team vs Team

**automated 1vs1 through 5vs5 managed combat

**signup at TvT manager to participate in a team based PVP

**players get warped to a sealed off arena when match is about to begin

**players get time to buff each other, followed by count down to match start

*Duel system

*Toggle skills with no interrupt



*No Donation Exclusive Items

**Adena to Donation coin exchange

**Donation coin + TOP S weapon exchange for Custom Weapons (different look, same stats of existing TOP S)

**Donation coin+ TOP S set for Custom Armors (aka TOP S stats with SA from existing S/A/B sets)


More to be announced...



Adena 25x

Item chance 10x

Spoil chance 25x

*basic mats 2x quantity

*additional quantity if spoil % for item exceeds 100%

Exp rate 35x

Sp rate 45x

Quest exp 10x

Quest sp 10x

Quest adena 10x

Party exp 1.4x


Enchant Rates

weapon safe enchant = 3

armor safe enchant = 3


weapon enchant max = 6

armor enchant max = 6


weapon magic +3 -> +4 = 40%

weapon magic +4 -> +5 = 40%

weapon magic +5 -> +6 = 40%


weapon normal +3 -> +4 = 66%

weapon normal +4 -> +5 = 66%

weapon normal +5 -> +6 = 66%


armor +3 -> +4 = 70%

armor +4 -> +5 = 34%

armor +5 -> +6 = 25%


Quest Rates

[10x] Yoke of the Past

[10x] Fragments of the Dimension

[10x] Third Class Change Quest - Shrine of Loyalty

[ 3x] Supplier of Reagents. (Noblesse / Subclass / B Grade Items)

[ 5x] Coin of Magic (C Grade Items / A Grade Recipes)

[ 5x] Influx of the Machines (B Grade Weapon Recipes)

[ 3x] Stolen Dignity (A Grade Weapon Parts)

[ 3x] Exploration of Giant's Cave, Part I (Low A Grade Light/Heavy Armor Recipes)

[ 3x] Exploration of Giant's Cave, Part II (High A Grade Light/Heavy Armor Recipes)

[ 3x] Whisper of Dreams, Part I (A Grade Robe Materials)

[ 3x] Whisper of Dreams, Part II (A Grade Robe Recipes)

[ 3x] Legacy of Insolence (A Grade Armor Recipes)

[ 3x] For Sleepless Deadman (A Grade Jewelry and Shield Parts)

[ 3x] Illegitimate Child of Goddess (A Grade Jewelry and Shield Recipes)

[ 1x] Watching Eyes (S Grade Jewelry Materials)

[ 1x] Shadow of Light (S Grade Jewelry Recipe)

[ 1x] Relics of the Old Empire (S Grade Weapon Recipe)

[ 1x] Gather the Flames (S Grade Weapon Recipe)

[10x] Alliance with Varka Silenos (Class Change / Alliance Quest)

[ 1x] War with Ketra Orcs (S Grade Armor Recipe)

[10x] Alliance with Ketra Orcs (Class Change / Alliance Quest)

[ 1x] Battle Against Varka Silenos (S Grade Armor Recipe)

[ 3x] A Powerful Primeval Creature (Interlude A Grade Weapon Recipes)

[ 3x] Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe (Interlude A Grade Weapon Parts)

[ 5x] Ghosts of Batur (Materials)

[ 5x] Grave Robber Annihilation (Materials)

[ 5x] Black Swan (Materials)

[ 5x] Necromancer's Request (Materials)

[ 5x] Delicious Top Choice Meat (Materials)

[ 5x] The Zero Hour (Materials)

[ 1x] Guardians of the Holy Grail (EWS/EAS)



big start?100 online at start...... with rates 25x



Are you kidding me ? go and play on 5000x if you cant handle a decent 35x.


i think you have mistaken servers or somethng


Nope,he is used to play on pokemon servers with rates 100000x



Are you kidding me ? go and play on 5000x if you cant handle a decent 35x.


Nope,he is used to play on pokemon servers with rates 100000x

shut up mofo i played on l2pheonix when u had milk under nose , and dont tell me nothing about rates 1-35x


if there is 100-300online this server will die  fast like last time or faster u will see ,  but the old l2Pheonix was in better situation than now




and ohh u are BIG fck  PRO gamer cos u play on rate 35x....  no comment , come  on 1x ,and we can talk about this game




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