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Well... Let's start from haters if you are one of them just gtfo, also don't judge my server because of website ( is my own mistake i had to buy it, but i miss it) I know all people have different opinions, and i respect them all, that i hate is flaming so..  don't become a retard. Try do not use insulting language. For any support, contact with our forums.



As you can see at staff topic we are only two people, we have work so hard for this project, and we just want reward all these work by giving  you the best game play for IL server. Well.. as far i have see IL its an old client but NOT DEAD, we chose this client  because we have work at past but with not big successful, so we waiting the best.



By Starting your new character you will re-spawn in custom exp area with difference level mobs.

Server Machine Info: CPU: Intel © I7, 920 RAM: 8Gb DDR3 RAM 1000Mbit Upload/ Download International Connection Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.


Server Client: Interlude (c6)

We talking about pvp server so this is our features..

Xp 1000x

Sp 1000x

Adena 300x

Buff Slots 34

Olympiad system gracia retail

Special Raid's area's And Farm areas.

Custom Items: Only Divine Cloak (p.def-m.def)

Auto Nobl.

Geo data - Pathnodes Pack

Augment rate 5% (Max actives -1.)

Top PvP-Pk InGame.

Gold Bar system (1kkk = 1 gb).

Custom Npc buffer.

Custom Gm Shop with all that you need. (except rb jwls ofc).


Enchant Rates:

I don't know but is kinda easy.. cuz when you enchant with crystals and weapon broke return to +3.

Safe 3 (for all)

Max 12 for weapon and 10 for armor's - jwls.

Normal Rate 64%

Blessed 75%.

Crystal: 67%




We have add some events to keep the community alive, with special rewards.

DM (deathmatch)

CTF (capture the flag)

TW (townwar)

TvT Event (angels vs demons)

More Coming Soon. btw tvt is once a day 20:00 CTF 20:30 DM 21:00



Rebirths is especially useful at oly..

Rebirth System 3 Max rebirths (Actives)

For Mage: Empower 3, Acumen 3, Shield 3.

For Fighter: Might 3, Haste 2, Magic Barrier 2.


Offline trade - away system

Pvp color system 500/1500/2500/5000



Party zone has added.

Farm Zone (1)

Farm zone (2)

Drop's Metals and Adenaz. (also and with little chance to drop ls)

Edited rb.

PvP zone.



PvP-Pk System :

Per PvP you get Item Reward.

(Bots from same ip don't allowed)

*When the duel is more than 4 players are transported to one special area with special prices for the win team


The Team:

Diamond: Owner - Founder.

Fins: Administrator.




For Events: .dmjoin .ctfjoin .jointvt .leavetvt  .infotv .twjoin

Other: .deposit .withdraw .stat .stats


Web: http://l2absolution.co.cc/ .



what about the augumentation system...the chance...the max auguments you can have etc?

Max 1 (idk maybe i will increase it) chance with top 5%.


dont increase it...serve will be unbalance and ppl will leave after 10 ppl got 20 actives....make it like 1 active and 1 passive max!exept if u make a donation server where u  can donate for 5 augments and u want ur server last for 15days...


dont increase it...serve will be unbalance and ppl will leave after 10 ppl got 20 actives....make it like 1 active and 1 passive max!exept if u make a donation server where u  can donate for 5 augments and u want ur server last for 15days...


I agree with you. Btw about donates (if we add) will be the same: active - passive max 1 ;)


Awesome! PPL ON-Line in the opening? :D


Not too much :( it was around 15, but I have add the server on hopzones and I watting aproval from hopzone topzone and other. Well its just the beginning, so watting for the best.

Guest Elfocrash

I strongly recommend this server.run smoothly and everything is balanced and awesome.


Join there


About enchant, its kinda easy with crystals coz when weapon broke return +3.. anyway i will not do any change coz will be unfair for new players.



EDIT= lol'd 40 votes at hopzones so far.. online around 27 + growing.


Still unlucky at all :) but anyway..


News: The company who host the server have some internet connection problems..Server may will be down for the next 2 Hours.



EDIT: Server is UP and running !


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