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This server is L2off GF, leaked official version of the server. Not a emulator in java. Also azure has a history of a stable server. There is no dualboxing allowed and used to be low rate.

Join the open beta and see yourself.

Gracia Final official files are nothing special, there are like 500 such servers, and forbidden dualbox on this chronicle is big "-" gl with CP w/o dualbox.


Well this server will call so many old players... no dualbox, finally a decent and trustable server, maybe some of you are right, there are many servers like this, no dualbox, OFF GF files, etc... but tell me... can you trust on thoose servers or... you can trust on a server with many years online without any corruption. without any bot (noone can bypass it),


(...) bla bla


Fail... the best option to play its l2.ws official hi5 files... over 2 k ppl on beta at the same time.


Accordingly with the rules:




Section 2: Offtopic & Flame posts will not be tolerated

Also bad behavior, trolling, racism is not allowed at all.


So consider your behaviours, and stop flaming other people's topics, just to get an advantage.


JorgeRuben im sorry for posting here. I do respect your topic. But this guy flamed at mine, so i warned him, so everyone can see his act.



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