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[Freya] Ctf Fully Configurable!


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Ok... iam re Aplying it manually this time.

java.com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.entit... CTF.java

My "last 2" errors... AT ALL

if i choose Change to "RadarMarker" more errors appear.



And on that one i dont know... there is no Option.


Any help?  ::)


Look if you have the L2Radar correctly imported:

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.RadarControl;
import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Radar;


And for "config.CTF_EVENT_INTERVAL" look if you have modified the config file and insert all the CTF options. If it is not the solution, change the CTF_EVENT_INTERVAL por a numbers of your choose (the real interval between CTF Events).


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change the CTF_EVENT_INTERVAL por a numbers of your choose (the real interval between CTF Events).

Give me an Example pls...

How it should look like... Cause... just adding numbers... doesnt working...

And the only solution... that i found until... now... is to fully remove that line...

but in this way... i just cant make CTF Automatic... >.>

+when i'm trying to Edit the event...

if i touch "holding flag time"

it start saying me... Something like you didnt use right that command... or something like that

and then i need to RR the GS... cause //ctf command... or w/e i'm trying to do on the pannel giving me the same... message.


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  • 2 months later...


I have error with command //ctf

AdminCommandAccessRights: No rights defined for admin command admin_ctf.


Files about admin command...


private static final Class<?>[][] _handlers = 
        { // Admin Command Handlers


private static final String[] ADMIN_COMMANDS = 
{ "admin_ctf", 


What's the problem?


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

i have done the core/dp part... everything work but it dosen't want to start :| i've put time interval in l2jmods.prop 15:00 and nothing .. i wanted to start it from //ctf command and it don't start ...

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  • 1 month later...

Hey i have this error




Uploaded with ImageShack.us


Any1 can help?


yeah man! i was have that problem too!!!

replace the:

new SocialAction(_player


new SocialAction(_player.getObjectId()

and will be ok!

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