Ekana ena post k sto [eng] section k opws fainetai apo ton title psaxnw gia developer...
loipon to project pou theloume na kanoume einai arketa megalo opws k megali tha einai i ependisi pou tha ginei se auto...
automata auto simainei pws thelw ton developer oxi apla na mas to stisei i na mas voithisei se kati...
theloume ton developer na einai mazi mas apo tin arxi ews to telos tou server (thelw na pisteuw pws tha argisei auto na ginei)!
to pws thelei autos na einai mesa sto project tha ta poume apo to tilefwno...exw na proteinw arketes morfes sinergasias...
wres/minas/kapoio pososto...perissoteres leptomereies se pm...tha sas steilw to til mou gia na erthoume se mia pio amesi epoikinwnia k gt oxi sinantisi...
I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss a claim, especially as strongly worded as mine because I might not be talking nonsense afterall. But I suggest you check for yourself, first.
Line 195 looks pretty crucial to me:
Yet, I don't see the L2PcInstance on the Github repo. Either I'm blind, or it is missing, and if I had to choose one or the other, I'd bet my life on the latter. 😄
Here's another example - the method below (Line 161), as crucial as it seems, looks empty to me:
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Ekana ena post k sto [eng] section k opws fainetai apo ton title psaxnw gia developer...
loipon to project pou theloume na kanoume einai arketa megalo opws k megali tha einai i ependisi pou tha ginei se auto...
automata auto simainei pws thelw ton developer oxi apla na mas to stisei i na mas voithisei se kati...
theloume ton developer na einai mazi mas apo tin arxi ews to telos tou server (thelw na pisteuw pws tha argisei auto na ginei)!
to pws thelei autos na einai mesa sto project tha ta poume apo to tilefwno...exw na proteinw arketes morfes sinergasias...
wres/minas/kapoio pososto...perissoteres leptomereies se pm...tha sas steilw to til mou gia na erthoume se mia pio amesi epoikinwnia k gt oxi sinantisi...
euxaristw ek twn proterwn se olous...
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