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Server Client : Freya


Server Mood : Welcome


Grand Open at : 15/6/2011 or 11/15/06

Official Website : http://www.la2sunrise.tk




Server rates :

Exp : 50 x

Party Exp : 50x

Sp : 50 x

Drop : 50 x

Adena :250 x




Enchant Safe Max :


Weapon : 3 - 16

Armor : 3 - 10

Jewel : 3 - 10




Enchant rates :

Normal scroll : 85 % chance

Blessed scroll : 95% chance

Crystal Scroll : 100 % chance




Server information :



Grade penalty : ON

All new characters start level 1 , from same custom spot with Gatekeeper and Buffer

Auto create account : ON

Auto learn all skills full level




Custom Npc:




Gm Shop




Custom Zones:


Farm Spot 1 (Easy)


Farm Spot 2 (Easy)


Party Farm (Dangerous)






1) Do not ask for item's .




2) ADMIN/GM dose not have player because they are people that work on server with payment .




3) Any Cheate or Try for Cheate it's prohibited .




4) ADMIN/GM will never ask you for any of your ID / PASSWORD so do not tell it to no one .




5) ADMIN/GM allway's have [ADMIN] / [GM] so do not let the other trick you because we can not make something about it .




6) Punishment for breaking the rule's it's alot of think's that you really dont wanna know and we hope you play fair for your good and your better game play .




That's all for now .

We hope you like our server and our community .

Join and give us a chance to make you happy .


Cya in game!

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