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Server sucks!Custom armor and weapon stats are not what you actually read when you click on them.The people that joined in the first hours farmed and they keep pking you.Classes are not balanced at all.GMs use /allblock(like they have 456456546 people on the server and can't answer replies) + they won't reply to petitions.No geodata at all.Mobs and players can hit you through walls.


if you wanna waste your time on it hf!


Server sucks!Custom armor and weapon stats are not what you actually read when you click on them.The people that joined in the first hours farmed and they keep pking you.Classes are not balanced at all.GMs use /allblock(like they have 456456546 people on the server and can't answer replies) + they won't reply to petitions.No geodata at all.Mobs and players can hit you through walls.


if you wanna waste your time on it hf!


This is the truth guys.


2 days server hopzone no vote reward system change sub class you no lost buff but battle force is fix pvp zone have all  place guard walord farm or pk you die ! all de buff  work 100% and have 3-4 buff 3-4 min cant removing  ! dagger dmg is very big and dagger can use heavy total fail admin fix server !


Server really sux and it's a waste of time, that's why it has 210 players online @ the 3rd day, don't try it, it really sux!


Just keep in mind that haters are going to hate always.


man give you 3 time pt game ok i talk here 220 on but 30 bot cat buffer man add buffer summoner buff no lagg and good game fix gladiator i give all 2k dmg critkal 4k dmg ;d and i wait for  rate ls :D thx


Server really sux and it's a waste of time, that's why it has 210 players online @ the 3rd day, don't try it, it really sux!


Just keep in mind that haters are going to hate always.

Yeah 90% of them are kiddos ofc they're gonna play.Btw why didn't you comment all the bad replies posted here and instead you say this?Why would i be a hater?I'm just telling my opinion."Haters are going to hate" my ass.Come up with a good reply or work on the server.


have 240 but on 200 40 bot for buff more lagg add buffer cat have 200 on 0 lagg and add pvp color  pls ls rate make 8 % or 9 % now suck rate and add one rb 3 h  drop 20 medal  or 10 or make antharas nest or valakas lair zone pvp hard mob and low rate drop medal  maybe 1 % is good or 2 % and pvp reward maybe good 1 pvp =5 cp thx !


The server has joined the great network of la2.gr!



I logged in and where is my character ? seriously close that project.

Close that project? Go play on your rama lama server.

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