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Bubulina..I dont understand ur point of view. I dont know who said you that polish guys are my friends. I dont know this ppl only cames from my counrty. They play server till start. Make 18 ppl clans, one time raids aq so she drop rb? What is wrong? They make also quest for sub first part, another one is buyable in gm shop. Just check. Nobless is also in few parts cuz other itemz needed to get nobless are in gmshop also. Now im only in game for 3 days cus my stuff cannot log now, and bealvive me nobody tooks any item from me , just a hats for ads server . Thank you and back to game to talk , cus there is some misunderstanding. [ADM]CONTACT


Bubu I dont see ur poins of view. What connect me with this polish guys is that we cames from same country. They start playing from start server (4 days ago) comes with 18 clan members . So they one time raid Queen of Ant and get a ring ? What is the problem?

They make also q for sub( kill cabrio, and 3 others) after that u can buy 2rd part in gm shop to do not mix etc . Next start nobless q. Its not all quest only running from npc to npc cuz mixing and drpoping lava is not needed , you can buy item in gm shop, So i can make sub + nobless with one day just need few ppl to kill rbs . I dont know who tell u that kid on lies..Its rly said im so much trying to do best server and u said me Im corrupted, its rly sad man I feel now lile a sh1t ;/ I;ve just wanted make nice, family server. If u can log and we can talk , See you

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