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[Share] Shift + Mouse show monter drop info [ For Interlude]


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Hi, All MXCer. Today I share the now code. Call : 'Shift + Mouse show monter drop info'

Tested in Interlude ! Other server pls test...


Now start:


Loction 1:



Find code :



Add after :

public static boolean ALT_PLAYER_SHIFT_MOUSE;



Find code :

PLAYER_PROTECTION_SYSTEM = Integer.parseInt(L2JTeonCustom.getProperty("PlayerProtectionLevel", "0"));



Add after :

ALT_PLAYER_SHIFT_MOUSE = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JTeonCustom.getProperty("AltPlayerShiftMouse", "False"));



Loction 2:



Find :

PlayerProtectionLevel = 0


Add after :

# -------------------------------------------------
# Allow Player Press Shift+Mouse Show Droplist ?
# -------------------------------------------------
# (Default: False)
AltPlayerShiftMouse = False



Loction 3:



Open and find out:





Add new code after:

		if (Config.ALT_PLAYER_SHIFT_MOUSE && !player.isGM())
			L2NpcTemplate npcData = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(getTemplate().npcId);
			if (npcData == null)
				player.sendMessage("Unknow ID:" + getTemplate().npcId);
			NpcHtmlMessage adminReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(5);
			TextBuilder replyMSG = new TextBuilder("<html><title>Drop Info</title>");
			replyMSG.append("<center><font color=\"LEVEL\">[" + npcData.name + "] ~'drop info</font><br><img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=290 height=1></center><br>");
			replyMSG.append("<table border=0 width=290>");
			//final String color;
			replyMSG.append("<tr><td width=160>ItemName</td><td width=90 align=right>Chance</td><td width=40 align=right>Type</td></tr><tr><td></td></tr>");
			for (L2DropCategory cat : npcData.getDropData())
				for (L2DropData drop : cat.getAllDrops())
					replyMSG.append("<tr><td><font color=\"EE9955\">" + ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(drop.getItemId()).getName() + "</font></td>"
							+ "<td align=right><font color=\"EE9955\">" + String.valueOf((double)drop.getChance()/10000) + "%</font></td>"
							+ "<td align=right><font color=\"EE9955\">" + (drop.isQuestDrop() ? "Quest" : cat.isSweep() ? "Sweep" : "Drop") + "</font></td></tr>");
			replyMSG.append("<center><img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=290 height=1></center><br>");
			replyMSG.append("<center><font color=\"222222\"> MXC maxcheaters.com</font></center>");



P.S. : Tested in L2jTeon ,  you can change it if you use  other server ! Enjoy!

Sorry for my English..

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Δεν νομιζξω να ειναι και τοσο χρησιμο και τα περισοτερα pack το εχουνε οποτε..

αλλα anyway GJ

[GR]auto den einai gia tous gms , einai gia tous normal players
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auto den einai gia tous gms , einai gia tous normal players

[GR]Το ξερω.Ειναι πιο δυσκολο να σκωτοσει το mob και να δει τι πεταει που εμει δηλαδη πρεπει ν βαλουμε αυτο το java code?

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Το ξερω.Ειναι πιο δυσκολο να σκωτοσει το mob και να δει τι πεταει που εμει δηλαδη πρεπει ν βαλουμε αυτο το java code?

[GR]kaneis lathos, mporei enas server na exei diskola party mobs pou theloun perisotera apo 1 atomo to opoio tha thelei na dei ti petaei prin kalesei to party tou gia na ton killaroun.....


[ENG]Thanks for sharing it

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[GR]Δεν νομιζξω να ειναι και τοσο χρησιμο και τα περισοτερα pack το εχουνε οποτε..

αλλα anyway GJ

[GR] Poio pack to exei auto ???

kanena apo oso kserw den paizei na to exei



[ENG] Thanks for share man

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