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  1. What is the custom Enchant points? Means: All have different grade of equipment to strengthen points, points can customize ... For example: D grade equipment, scrolls to use an enhanced +1 (This is the official set), but we can change his values. Becomes: D grade equipment, scrolls to use an enhanced + X, (X is the value you set) ... But the key is not here. We can also set the X1, X2, X3, X4 ... to correspond to C grade, B grade, A grade, S grade .. This work is very easy .. So, here goes: 1) First open Config.java: Found: public static boolean ENCHANT_HERO_WEAPONS; Added later: /** Custom Enchant Points? */ public static boolean CUSTOM_ENCHANT_POINTS; public static int ENCHANT_D_GRADE_POINTS; public static int ENCHANT_C_GRADE_POINTS; public static int ENCHANT_B_GRADE_POINTS; public static int ENCHANT_A_GRADE_POINTS; public static int ENCHANT_S_GRADE_POINTS; Find: ENCHANT_HERO_WEAPONS = Boolean.parseBoolean(Enchant.getProperty("EnchantHeroWeapons", "False")); Added later: /* custom enchant point */ CUSTOM_ENCHANT_POINTS = Boolean.parseBoolean(Enchant.getProperty("CustomEnchantPoints", "False")); ENCHANT_D_GRADE_POINTS = Integer.parseInt(Enchant.getProperty("EnchantDGradePoints", "1")); ENCHANT_C_GRADE_POINTS = Integer.parseInt(Enchant.getProperty("EnchantCGradePoints", "1")); ENCHANT_B_GRADE_POINTS = Integer.parseInt(Enchant.getProperty("EnchantBGradePoints", "1")); ENCHANT_A_GRADE_POINTS = Integer.parseInt(Enchant.getProperty("EnchantAGradePoints", "1")); ENCHANT_S_GRADE_POINTS = Integer.parseInt(Enchant.getProperty("EnchantSGradePoints", "1")); 2) Next open: enchant.properties Found: EnchantHeroWeapons = False Added later: # Allow custom Enchant points (default: False) CustomEnchantPoints = False # D grade equipment (weapons / armor / jewelry) effect: Enhanced + 1 eq +X (official: 1) EnchantDGradePoints = 1 # C grade equipment (weapons / armor / jewelry) effect: Enhanced + 1 eq +X (official: 1) EnchantCGradePoints = 1 # B grade equipment (weapons / armor / jewelry) effect: Enhanced + 1 eq +X (official: 1) EnchantBGradePoints = 1 # A grade equipment (weapons / armor / jewelry) effect: Enhanced + 1 eq +X (official: 1) EnchantAGradePoints = 1 # S grade equipment (weapons / armor / jewelry) effect: Enhanced + 1 eq +X (official: 1) EnchantSGradePoints = 1 3) Finally, in the directory: java \ net \ sf \ l2j \ gameserver \ network \ clientpackets Open: RequestEnchantItem.java Editing and adding: Find: boolean enchantItem = false; boolean blessedScroll = false; int crystalId = 0; Added later: int enchpoint = 0; Find: case L2Item.CRYSTAL_A: crystalId = 1461; Added later: if (!Config.CUSTOM_ENCHANT_POINTS) enchpoint = 1; else enchpoint = Config.ENCHANT_A_GRADE_POINTS; Find: case L2Item.CRYSTAL_B: crystalId = 1460; Added later: if (!Config.CUSTOM_ENCHANT_POINTS) enchpoint = 1; else enchpoint = Config.ENCHANT_B_GRADE_POINTS; Find: case L2Item.CRYSTAL_C: crystalId = 1459; Added later: if (!Config.CUSTOM_ENCHANT_POINTS) enchpoint = 1; else enchpoint = Config.ENCHANT_C_GRADE_POINTS; Find: case L2Item.CRYSTAL_D: crystalId = 1458; Added later: if (!Config.CUSTOM_ENCHANT_POINTS) enchpoint = 1; else enchpoint = Config.ENCHANT_D_GRADE_POINTS; Find: case L2Item.CRYSTAL_S: crystalId = 1462; Added later: if (!Config.CUSTOM_ENCHANT_POINTS) enchpoint = 1; else enchpoint = Config.ENCHANT_S_GRADE_POINTS; Find: item.setEnchantLevel(item.getEnchantLevel() + 1); Modify: item.setEnchantLevel(item.getEnchantLevel() + enchpoint); All work done! Now, compile your source code, test, are you into the game .. The reason I do this, just to stand-alone. You do not want to hold +100 D Top Weapon levelup to 80, Right?
  2. Hi, All MXCer. Today I share the now code. Call : 'Shift + Mouse show monter drop info' Tested in Interlude ! Other server pls test... Now start: Loction 1: Config.java ====================================== Find code : public static int PLAYER_PROTECTION_SYSTEM; Add after : public static boolean ALT_PLAYER_SHIFT_MOUSE; Find code : PLAYER_PROTECTION_SYSTEM = Integer.parseInt(L2JTeonCustom.getProperty("PlayerProtectionLevel", "0")); Add after : ALT_PLAYER_SHIFT_MOUSE = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JTeonCustom.getProperty("AltPlayerShiftMouse", "False")); Loction 2: L2JTeonCustom.properties ====================================== Find : PlayerProtectionLevel = 0 Add after : # ------------------------------------------------- # Allow Player Press Shift+Mouse Show Droplist ? # ------------------------------------------------- # (Default: False) AltPlayerShiftMouse = False Loction 3: gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2NpcInstance.java ====================================== Open and find out: html.setHtml(html1.toString()); player.sendPacket(html); } Add new code after: else { if (Config.ALT_PLAYER_SHIFT_MOUSE && !player.isGM()) { L2NpcTemplate npcData = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(getTemplate().npcId); if (npcData == null) { player.sendMessage("Unknow ID:" + getTemplate().npcId); return; } NpcHtmlMessage adminReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(5); TextBuilder replyMSG = new TextBuilder("<html><title>Drop Info</title>"); replyMSG.append("<body>"); replyMSG.append("<center><font color=\"LEVEL\">[" + npcData.name + "] ~'drop info</font><br><img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=290 height=1></center><br>"); replyMSG.append("<table border=0 width=290>"); //final String color; replyMSG.append("<tr><td width=160>ItemName</td><td width=90 align=right>Chance</td><td width=40 align=right>Type</td></tr><tr><td></td></tr>"); for (L2DropCategory cat : npcData.getDropData()) for (L2DropData drop : cat.getAllDrops()) replyMSG.append("<tr><td><font color=\"EE9955\">" + ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(drop.getItemId()).getName() + "</font></td>" + "<td align=right><font color=\"EE9955\">" + String.valueOf((double)drop.getChance()/10000) + "%</font></td>" + "<td align=right><font color=\"EE9955\">" + (drop.isQuestDrop() ? "Quest" : cat.isSweep() ? "Sweep" : "Drop") + "</font></td></tr>"); replyMSG.append("</table><br>"); replyMSG.append("<center><img src=\"L2UI.SquareWhite\" width=290 height=1></center><br>"); replyMSG.append("<center><font color=\"222222\"> MXC maxcheaters.com</font></center>"); replyMSG.append("</body></html>"); adminReply.setHtml(replyMSG.toString()); player.sendPacket(adminReply); } } P.S. : Tested in L2jTeon , you can change it if you use other server ! Enjoy! Sorry for my English..
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